For many fast-growing companies, going public is a significant milestone that will take their business to the next level. Preparing for an IPO can often be a long and complicated process, but understanding how to navigate the many complexities can make the transition into the marketplace easier. Among other important steps, preparing your business for an IPO requires ‘getting your financials in order’—whether you are planning on going public in the next 12 months or the next couple of years.

Luckily, you are not alone. Many companies are wrestling with the same issues about how to ensure their company is ready for an IPO. We’ve recognized a handful of areas that every company needs to think about when making their transition:

  • Determine your financial communication plan early
  • Understand the difference between successful vs. poor financial communication
  • Importance of building an audience for your IPO
  • Differences between your sell-side vs. buy-side audiences
  • Integrate Investor Relations (IR) and Public Relations (PR) from your new, public perspective
  • Why your team needs a strong combination of capital markets and sector expertise

NetSuite has created a four-part webinar series offering concrete advice on addressing these areas titled Roadmap to a Successful IPO. The webinar series will cover many of the difficulties a company can run into before, during and after their transition and will feature speakers with various expertise in the IPO process to shed light on critical steps from start-to-finish.

Part 1 is on Wednesday, February 7th. Tim Dolan, managing partner at ICR, a strategic communications and advisory firm focused on assisting companies with their IPOs, has worked on over 100 IPOs. He will provide in-depth insight into the due diligence and financial preparation required to execute a successful IPO.