SuiteTraining offers technical training courses on some of the most powerful capabilities of the NetSuite SuiteCloud platform, including SuiteScript Application Development, SuiteTalk Web Services, and SuiteFlow Workflow Engine. If you don't think your organization can benefit from technical training, here are seven facts about our programs which might surprise you:
1. We understand that there isn't much value in technical training unless developers have an opportunity to get their feet wet and work in the system. Our technical courses are not bland lectures about APIs and function calls. In fact, about half of the course time is set aside for hands-on exercises so you can learn by doing.
2. You don't have to be a programmer to understand SuiteFlow. All you need is a good grasp of the rules and logic of your own business processes. That's why our SuiteFlow: Workflow Fundamentals course has such a diverse audience and typically includes a number of business and operational professionals, not just programmers. Mapping the rules and requirements of your business processes is what SuiteFlow is all about. If you understand the approval process that your purchase orders need to follow, then you can learn how to use SuiteFlow's visual interface to create the NetSuite logic to automate your business processes.
3. Many of our best SuiteFlow developers got their start with Excel macros. That kind of power user is the perfect candidate for the SuiteFlow: Workflow Fundamentals course.
4. Our technical courses offer insight to help you refine your understanding outside of the classroom. Optional, "take- home" exercises give you step-by-step instructions so you can practice what you learned while providing solutions that you can apply in your production accounts.
5. Some developers have turned their nose up at SuiteFlow because it's a visual interface and isn't pure code. However, while SuiteScript looks more powerful, it's not always the best tool for the job. Approval processing is a lot more complicated in SuiteScript than it is in SuiteFlow. That's why we recommend that even veteran developers take the SuiteFlow: Advanced Workflows course before racing off to write scripts for everything they want to accomplish.
6. Although SuiteScript is based on JavaScript, you don't need to be a JavaScript whiz or a seasoned Web developer to start taking advantage of SuiteScript. Just about any programming background helps set the table for SuiteScript concepts, and many of our graduates have no Web programming experience before they take the SuiteScript: Enhance Productivity through Automation course.
7. We're serious about ensuring that our graduates are prepared to be productive as soon as they finish a technical course. That's why our SuiteScript and SuiteTalk courses are five days long. That may seem like a big commitment, but we structure the classes so that by the time they wrap up on Friday, you're ready to come in to work the following Monday and make exciting things happen on the SuiteCloud platform.
To learn more about our technical courses, please visit the SuiteTraining course catalog. You can also work with our Education Advisor to create a comprehensive, custom learning plan. Sign up for a free Training Needs Assessment (opens in new tab) to help you achieve your education goals.
-Bruce Tanenholtz, Program Manager: Technical Curriculum