The NetSuite Blog gets its fair share of reader comments. Periodically, we like to share some of the more interesting and useful feedback we get on the blog. Below are some recent comments we received, ranging from DDMRP to cloud security.
Ross Leahy said:
Gavin, I absolutely agree with you. Having spent the 80's and 90's watching MRP morph into MRPII and then ERP, I get the sense that it has lost its way. The objective was to manage inventory in a [way] that optimized working capital while satisfying customer demand for short delivery times; surely still the objective today. The problem is, in part, that the objective became lost in the methodology so it became all about performing the right steps regardless of the outcome. The operation was a success but the patient died! I have completed a full run up of the NS demand planning module and am really impressed with the functionality and the ease with which it can be understood.
On Manufacturing the Cloud: DDMRP and the Death of a TLA, Part 1
Ben Benjabutr said:
Your points are taken. I totally agree that data integrity (accurate and timely data) are much more important than fancy algorithm. Moreover, software buyers rarely pay attention / fully understand how algorithm works.
On Manufacturing the Cloud: The Scheduling Myth
Brian Hodgson said:
The success and growth of NetSuite wholesale distributors is impressive. Another customer who outgrew QuickBooks to expand with NetSuite and OzLINK is Poly Performance
On Wholesale Distribution Companies Find Success in the Cloud
Aaron Tuomala said:
#1 Answered one of the biggest questions I've been asking everyone and seems to be the top concern. How exactly does centralizing the system on cloud give it more security? Doesn't it leave it open to more attacks because more people can view it? Informative article, thank you.