We didn't like having to turn people away, but we learned a valuable lesson when we realized we had more applicants than available seats for in-person NetSuite training at SuiteWorld 2012: our customers and partners want the connection and interaction of live, face-to-face instructor training! So, for the first time ever, we're sending our top NetSuite trainers on a unique Training RoadShow, helping NetSuite customers get more out of their investment in NetSuite closer to where they live and work.
Each Training RoadShow stop in the United States features a two-day course offered by one of four instructors: Jennifer Weiss, Russell Cull, Mike Hikel and Bruce Tanenholtz. All four have years of experience training users, administrators and developers in NetSuite, and a rich body of work and life experience that makes them not only tremendous teachers, but terrific characters as well. The Training RoadShow includes two SuiteFlow and two SuiteAnalytics courses—key NetSuite features that help you do more with your data and automation, so you can maximize the value of your investment in NetSuite.
The Training RoadShow will kick off in Los Angeles on September 12 before traveling to Chicago (September 19-20), San Francisco (October 10-11), and New York (October 24-25). There's still time to enroll and take advantage of the 25 percent early bird discount before it expires on August 17th.
Why are so many people asking us for in-person NetSuite training? As our customers grow, new users are added to the system. Roles change: users become analysts, analysts become administrators, and as those roles change people want to better understand the new capabilities and responsibilities opened up to them. As much as we believe in the effectiveness of our Virtual Training courses, there's always value in the opportunity to meet and network with dozens of peers with similar business interests and experiences, which you'll find in the learning centers hosting our RoadShow training. And we would be making a mistake to turn down an open invitation to spend more time communicating with our customers and helping you learn and grow.
Can't make any of these RoadShow dates or locations? Don't worry! We are setting dates and choosing cities to expand the Training RoadShow internationally. And next year, we plan to bring the Training RoadShow to other US cities and locations around the world. Can't wait? Our Virtual Training courses—offered by these same instructors—continue to be the best in the business. You can find the SuiteTraining Course Schedule here.