You don’t have to travel beyond your computer to attend training classes any more. The agony of explaining the benefit of attending a workshop and justifying the expense of the travel associated is a thing of the past. With the prevalence of virtual instructor led training, you now can have the benefits of a workshop environment, without the cost of travel! What’s not to love?

Students get hooked on NetSuite Virtual Classroom once they give it a try -- they find the experience more engaging, interactive, and memorable than the traditional classroom. Most students sign up for additional courses and look for virtual sessions when considering further training with NetSuite.

The virtual classroom can be as collaborative and interactive an experience as an onsite course, if not more so. NetSuite instructors working in this arena are trained experts on delivering an enriched training experience, using a growing set of online tools to ensure group participation and individual understanding. Curricula are now developed specifically for the virtual classroom, incorporating attention-holding techniques and interactive, collaborative exercises not possible in the traditional classroom environment.

You can perform any task you would in a on-site class: virtually raise your hand, see and chat with the instructors or other students (by voice or by text), and ask questions and provide answers. Additionally, you can use on-screen tools to comment and annotate on the screens, and even save those screens to your computer—saving you note-taking time and capturing images and other student’s input that you would likely miss if you were taking hardcopy notes. A picture is worth a thousand words—if that picture is accompanied by the results of a brain-storming session, its value to you increases exponentially.

The virtual environment makes it easier to share screens and test accounts, as well as to see what others are doing. When it’s time for exercises, you can work with a group in a breakout room, sharing the screens as well as a separate audio room, or you can work on your own in peace and quiet. Just as with a classroom setting, you can participate in group discussions, express your opinion, even take a coffee break!

With the NetSuite Virtual Classroom, rich, interactive and effective learning are all within easy reach of your computer. Of course, showing up to class in your pajamas is a surprise added benefit.

Try it with NetSuite Virtual Classroom today!