Earlier this year, I was privileged to present our International Product strategy as part of Evan Goldberg’s keynote at our annual SuiteWorld event.
After several years hosting the event in San Jose, this year we found ourselves in Las Vegas presenting to more than 7,000 attendees, representing customers and partners from all around the world. Literally. There were people in attendance from over 60 countries – from locations as far afield as Norway, the Philippines and Japan… By that measure alone SuiteWorld 2017 was the most international NetSuite event ever.
Our customers have deployed NetSuite in over 190 countries, across all verticals and that, by any measure, demonstrates that NetSuite is by far the world’s most globally deployed cloud ERP system. NetSuite OneWorld – designed to run a global business – is helping multi-national businesses run more efficiently and effectively, providing unprecedented insight into global business operations across dozens and, in some cases, hundreds of subsidiaries deployed around the world. No other cloud ERP system is deployed as broadly.
We have spent a decade since the inception of the OneWorld product in refining its depth and breadth of capabilities for our global customers and, as we showed at SuiteWorld this year, that investment continues with new capabilities such General Ledger Impact Locking, Inter-Company Journal Automation and great new cash management and bank reconciliation capabilities. Not to mention the other hundreds of other improvements covered in other sections of the keynote and product sessions during the course of the week – the majority of which are designed to run at global scale for you to more efficiently and effectively take advantage of business opportunities wherever they may be. From sourcing product in China and delivering it to your customers in Europe, to assigning project consultants in the US to work on a client’s service project in South America, such complex business processes are made far easier with NetSuite OneWorld.
And as I discussed in the keynote, our focus and investment in supporting international and multi-national organizations is only increasing. Indeed, Oracle recognized the vast potential still ahead of NetSuite in growing our international product and go-to-market capabilities across even more countries and, by leveraging the scale and geographic footprint of our new shareholder I am pleased to say we are doing just that. From hiring product managers in and focusing on new countries, to hiring development teams around the world to execute and deliver on our Act Global, Be Local vision. Most recently, we’ve added offices and localized capabilities in the Nordics and Benelux regions. And by working hand-in-hand with new hires in sales, marketing, professional services and support in Oracle offices located around the world, we are able to reach and help businesses in more locations, better and faster than ever.
While we can’t meet every customer in every country – although perhaps a great bucket list objective – I am spending as much time as possible when traveling to get out to meet with as many customers as possible. Doing so helps us understand our customers’ businesses and how they think about their business systems in helping them achieve their vision and objectives. In fact, just a couple of weeks after SuiteWorld, I was spending time with customers onsite in Tokyo, Singapore, Germany and the UK; learning about how they are already transforming their business with NetSuite, listening to their future plans and understanding how we might further enhance and improve the system to meet their needs. It was energizing to see and hear about the successes they had achieved so far, and interesting and insightful exploring what they would like to see in NetSuite to support their aspirations.
As we continue this journey, I and the team will be providing regular updates on the progress we are making on our international expansion mission and how the customers we meet are providing feedback that helps us shape how we implement new capabilities to help them Act Global and Be Local in their businesses.
I am looking forward to meeting even more of you at our upcoming Next Ready Business Tour Event in London on 16th of October. For details, visit http://www.netsuite.com/events/nrbt2017/nrbt2017.shtml.