For Mack’s Prairie Wings, from November through December, every day is like Black Friday.

Each year, its lone store, located in Stuttgart, Ark., is flooded with hunters in town to gear up for the duck hunting season. Near the Mississippi River with soil that is perfect for rice farming, Stuttgart is the perfect stopover for ducks flying south along the Mississippi Flyway. Founded as a family-owned hardware store 75 years ago, Mack’s began to capitalize on its location by selling guns and ammo, eventually expanding to all sorts of hunting gear. But when the company added a mail order catalog, the business really took off.

The company eventually expanded into its current 125,000-foot warehouse and store, but realized it would need to do more.

“For us it’s a little unique,” COO Eric Chin said during a session at SuiteWorld19. “We’re a destination. We get customers from all over the world to walk into the store. We want to give them a great experience so when they go home they continue it online. We all know face-to-face customer service and the customer experience drives repeat purchases.”

To deliver a seamless experience across its retail and online channels, Mack’s made a commitment to NetSuite across both financials and inventory management. Mack's also adopted SuiteCommerce for ecommerce, and Bronto for commerce marketing. Since then the results have been impressive, according to Chin.


  • Email conversion rate is up 200%
  • Bounce rate is down 68%
  • Revenue from email is up 111%
  • Paid marketing is up 200%


  • Their average order is 28% higher
  • Days between purchase for loyalty members is 13 days less


  • Average orders are up 111%
  • 30% growth in six months after installing SuiteCommerce


  • The 7,000 daily orders during duck season used to take 40 people to pick out of inventory. It now takes just 21.

Learn more about Mack’s growth story.