Throughout SuiteWorld, companies shared how they are using NetSuite to modernize their business and transform the markets they serve. A lot of new information and exciting opportunities for the advertising, media and publishing (AMP) industry surfaced at the event and now is an exciting time as our industry’s landscape is constantly in flux. Customers like Prophet, Bankrate and Ford Direct were some of the industry experts leading the charge in change.

SuiteWorld is an opportunity to meet new people, hear about product enhancements and discuss industry currents. So, what were the top three takeaways for the AMP industry in 2017?


SuiteSuccess delivers a solution that unifies all aspects of an agency based on expertise built up through years of implementations. The agency solution is catered to address each role that your industry needs to be successful. Our end-to-end engagement model allows customers to start their project from their initial conversation with NetSuite because the process is designed to provide a consistent experience beginning with sales through to service, support and beyond. Additionally, we’ve built in agency-specific solutions based on leading practices that include modules, workflows, reports, KPIs, and analytics built upon our previous successes. The stairway model, which we introduced during the AMP keynote (opens in new tab), is our intelligent phased approach that allows your team to split your project into manageable segments. Your agency will be empowered to deliver success quickly on solid foundations and introduce new capabilities when the company is ready. Finally, the solution is designed to be flexible and scalable; our team will help you understand how well your business fits the leading practices we’ve designed, and help you customize the areas where your business is unique, allowing for rapid ROI and seamless capability to scale globally. SuiteSuccess for agencies will be available for our clients soon, and our media & publishing offer will be right behind it.


As Jim McGeever mentioned on stage, after 18 years, we’ve finally completed the final piece of the ‘suite’ pie with SuitePeople – the most unified and flexible human resources system ever built. It will allow you to manage and engage a global workforce better than ever; it’s not an integration or an add-on, but rather it is built on the NetSuite platform, which makes it a seamless part of your business management experience. During the beta program, we ran over the last several months, we had several agencies participate and the results were outstanding. One of our beta customers, Lisa Marie Hadley from Greenberg, Inc. said, “SuitePeople is the next phase of NetSuite’s transition from a ‘Finance’ tool to a Greenberg tool.” Having SuitePeople built on the NetSuite platform completely changes how employees in your company interact with one another. The days of piecing together custom software after custom software are over. NetSuite offers the full gamut on one, unified platform.

Oracle + NetSuite = More, More, More

Mark Hurd, CEO of Oracle, presented on Day 1 of SuiteWorld and gave an overview of what the new Oracle + NetSuite has planned: more innovation, more global coverage and more new product in a faster cycle time. Oracle is dedicated to the transition to the cloud – and NetSuite has been leading that cloud transition since our inception. Hurd spoke specifically about our continued focus on verticalization, mentioning that Oracle will help NetSuite grow out our agency brand, and allow us to continue to focus on building the functionality that agencies need to be successful – especially helping with media partnerships to improve things like the insertion order process.


Our first SuiteWorld in Vegas was an overwhelming success; we had more fire during our keynotes, more MCs lyricizing about what’s NEXT for ERP, and even more rock star performances at our NextFest soiree. Additionally, we hosted an extremely successful AMP happy hour with more than 270 finance and IT executives. Leaders from Amobee, AdTegrity, Prophet and Sonoma Media are just a few of the groups that attended our happy hour.