At NetSuite, we understand that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, which is why we made sure to dot SuiteWorld with plenty of things to do during those breaks between sessions.

So what can you do when you need a break in all the content and networking?

The most obvious answer: Take a test ride on an URB-E, the foldable scooters you may have noticed darting around the concourse. Made of aluminum and carbon fiber, and powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, the URB-E has a range of 20 miles and a top speed of 15 mph.

And if toodling around the confines of the convention center "track" isn't enough, you can also race one on a course set up outside the south side of the facility. Bonus: taking a test-ride places you in a drawing for a free URB-E.

Chance to Give Back

If chipping in is more your speed than zooming around, head to the west end of the convention center to the Stop Hunger Now staging area, where conference-goers are volunteering to pack meals for needy recipients around the world. The area has been bustling all week as attendees put on hairnets busily fill small bags with a combination of rice, dried veggies and soy flour.

Chris Romero, Stop Hunger Now's Northern California program manager, said the effort was on pace to pack 50,000 meals for delivery around the globe. It's an approach that has worked wonders for the organization, which regularly marshals the volunteers it needs by setting up shop at conferences, at corporate team-building events, or even on college campuses.

"It needs to be easy, and it needs to be high-impact," Romero said. Mission accomplished.

Time for Candy!

After wading through all of those raw foods, you might need some sustenance yourself, and all that volunteering entitles you to go raid the candy station in the exhibit hall. It's okay; we know that despite your claims you're not actually filling up all those bags of gummy fish just for your kids.

As long as your sweet tooth has taken you to the exhibition hall, you might as well partake of the entertainment there, as well.

Start with a balloon "ride" in the clouds. So it's not really the clouds, and the balloon is really just a basket that never leaves the ground. The right picture will have your family believing you got to take in the view from above the Napa Valley.

Fittings and Bourbon and Shoe Shines, Oh My!

Having returned from your flight, it's time to pamper yourself. Start by heading to the Airstream parked in the southeast corner of the exhibit hall. There, you can get fitted for a custom suit in what is the mobile showroom for upscale men's clothier Alton Lane.

While you get measured, you can indulge in the high-end liquor they'll pour for you during your experience. (Sorry, ladies, there's no clothing here for you — but you may be able to talk your way into a drink or two, especially if you're accompanying a male cohort lucky enough to get a fitting appointment.

After a couple of swigs, you'll probably need to sit down for a bit, so wander over to the nearby shoeshine station, courtesy of online men's clothing retailer Wingtip. Heck, you might even be able to convince the Alton Lane folks to let you take your drink with you and return the glass once your shoes are sparkling.

Wrap Things Up With Jolt

At this point, you'll probably find yourself running a bit low on energy, and you certainly don't want to end your day on a down note. Stop by the Bronto Software booth at the northeast corner of the exhibit hall, where a barista will happily whip you up a cappuccino to your liking. And while you're at it, grab a couple of inflatable brontosauruses for your kids—after all, you'll have eaten all their candy by the time you get home.

Oh, one final thought, as if this needs to be pointed out: All of the companies mentioned here are NetSuite customers. And as you know, any business smart enough to run on NetSuite is worth supporting.

See you everyone at SuiteWorld 2017!