The winning teams for the 5th Annual Hackathon4Good are…

Team Suite G.I.R.L. and Team Ability Makre!

The SuiteWorld18 Hackathon 4Good was another success this year with 78 customers, partners, and NetSuite employees coming together to solve challenges for our nonprofit customers, Girl Scouts of the USA (opens in new tab) and Abilities Centre (opens in new tab). During the 12-hour event, participants formed into teams to work on one of the two challenge problems. Eight teams worked with the Girl Scouts of the USA, and seven worked with Abilities Centre, all seeking to develop the best prototype solution for each organization. Teams then presented their prototypes, and a panel of six judges identified a winning team for each organization.

Ability Centre Links Website Bookings as Transactions within NetSuite

Team Ability Makre, who worked with the Canadian organization Abilities Centre, leveraged the organization’s current website to enable customers to create bookings that will directly create transactions within NetSuite. This concept eliminates a requirement that forced staff to book calendar events into Outlook for management and then use the calendar functionality in NetSuite to view room bookings.

“We have returned highly charged about the opportunities laid out for us by the experts at Hackathon 4Good,” Eric Storey, Director of Operations at the Abilities Centre, concluded at the end of the day.

Girls Scouts Streamlines “Dough” Credit Process

For the Girls Scouts, Team Suite G.I.R.L created an app for finance administrators to simplify the dough credit creation process. When Girl Scouts sell cookies, they earn internal “cookie dough” that is tracked by each council. Headquarters must manage the balance for each Girl scout and invoice each council. Team Suite G.I.R.L. created a solution that completely automates the settlement between the councils and the parent organization. The app enables complete visibility to dough credits, along with providing a robust dashboard for metrics, which eliminates manual work.

Thank you to everyone that came out to support the organizations at the Hackathon 4Good! We hope to see you next year! Special thanks go to our judges, Elham Ghassemzadeh, David Geilhufe and Doug Williams.

To learn more about the Social Impact software donation and pro bono services and to refer a nonprofit visit www.netsuite/socialimpact or email