For the past couple of years, the IT world has seen the increasing popularity of cloud computing, easily becoming 2012’s most talked about business software solution. More and more organisations have chosen to adopt the cloud to some extent. In Asia Pacific alone, a 2011 Frost & Sullivan survey (opens in new tab) indicated that cloud computing has emerged as the #1 priority for a significant number (38%) of businesses.

Cloud solutions and services come in various forms and pricing models, which may have caused some IT professionals to be sceptical on how this new technology may affect their businesses. This has given rise to different myths and misconceptions about the realities of cloud computing, obscuring the many benefits it offers, such as improving business agility and reducing expenditures.

Below are some of the most common myths that Frost & Sullivan dispelled in its recent white paper to give us a reality check on cloud computing:

Myth #1: Cloud computing is less secure than on-premise alternatives

Perhaps the most common hesitation in moving to the cloud lies in the issues of security and privacy. Due to the cloud system’s deployment of important business data to the internet, IT professionals see on-premise systems as being less prone to security breaches and risks.

In fact, cloud computing is more secure than on-premise systems in many ways, one of which due to its centralised nature. This gives it fewer points of vulnerability as compared to a more distributed on-premise solution.

Myth #2: Cloud computing is only suitable for consumers and smaller businesses

Unlike small companies, which have lesser systems that need to be migrated to the cloud, large businesses usually have more requirements and legacy systems that slow cloud adoption. Such complexity may have caused the notion that the cloud is not suitable for large organisations, when in fact it leads to the development of cloud solutions that are more comprehensive and meet stricter regulations.

Integrating cloud computing with current on-premise systems in a two-tier ERP model has also been proven useful in running subsidiaries, especially on a global basis.

Myth #3: Cloud computing is not suitable for mission-critical activities

More and more companies with mission-critical activities run entirely in the cloud—Netflix, Groupon, Google and Amazon to name a few. In Asia Pacific, mission-critical applications continue to move into the public cloud, such as ERP, CRM and human resource management. This offers greater business agility compared to private clouds or traditional delivery models.

Myth #4: Private clouds offer the benefits of cloud computing without drawbacks

The notion that private clouds can deliver all the benefits associated to public clouds without privacy issues is not entirely true. In fact, private clouds suffer from disadvantages such as limited scalability and the constant need for support services.

Public clouds also offer the “opex-based pay-as-you-go model” as compared to the private cloud’s capex-intensive nature.

When switching to the cloud, it is important to separate myth from reality and understand the many benefits that cloud computing offers. It is also advisable to bear in mind that although not all cloud providers are created equal, there is a cloud service that definitely suits each organisation.

Download your own copy of the Frost & Sullivan white paper (opens in new tab) to start making more informed decisions on cloud computing.