By Miranda Myers (opens in new tab), staff writer at Grow Wire

The slogan for International Women’s Day 2019 (opens in new tab) (yes, it’s today) is “Balance For Better”--a slogan upon which bestselling author and entrepreneur Samantha Ettus (opens in new tab) has lived her life and built a successful career.

Ettus’ book "The Pie Life: A Guilt-Free Recipe For Success and Satisfaction" discusses the importance of women replacing negative and unhealthy habits with a positive attitude and beneficial work-life balance (opens in new tab).

“The most fulfilled women were involved in six or seven areas of their life,” she explains. “Those areas are: families, careers, health, friends, hobbies, community and quest to find relationships.”

Ettus stresses the contribution of company culture (opens in new tab) in helping everyone--both men and women--improve work-life balance, noting her belief that executives are responsible for setting a good example.

“It’s really critical that we realize who’s watching,” she states. “If your boss isn’t taking vacation time or leaving work at 5 p.m., then you don’t feel comfortable doing it.”

“It’s really critical that we realize who’s watching. If your boss isn’t taking vacation time or leaving work at 5 p.m., then you don’t feel comfortable doing it.” -Samantha Ettus

Ettus discusses the data-based fact (opens in new tab) that women who leave the workforce for maternity leave struggle to re-enter in full-time positions. Thus, it’s pivotal women demand support within their companies and create clear-cut and specific expectations, both at home and at the office.

“It’s impossible to be successful in your career if you’re going to work, and then [end up] doing 90 percent of the work at home,” Ettus explains.

However, she also warns against quitting a job after maternity leave, stating, “If you have no earning power ... and if you haven’t worked in ten years, you put yourself in a really vulnerable position.”

Ettus concludes by telling parents to encourage their girls to be as successful (opens in new tab) and as hardworking as they can be. The habits girls establish at a young age are the same habits that define how they approach life later.

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