NetSuite has always believed that corporate citizenship is an important part of building a great company. That’s why, since 2008, we have offered our suite of cloud software at no cost to charities and social enterprises (opens in new tab), allowing them to realize the same operational efficiencies and cost benefits as our commercial customers. Today, more than 300 grantee organizations use NetSuite. From bringing clean water to rural populations to providing microloans around the world, these grantees are making an incredible impact on society. NetSuite’s greatest assets—our powerful technology and our brilliant people—are the cornerstone of our corporate citizenship effort. It’s with great excitement that we are unveiling our updated logo and launching two new Employee Corporate Citizenship Programs—SuiteVolunteers and SuiteImpact Teams!
SuiteVolunteers is the formal program for our pro bono activities. NetSuite employees in offices around the world give their professional talent and time to charities and social enterprises that are using NetSuite through our donation program. In 2013, grantees will apply for specific pro bono opportunities during an open application period at the beginning of each quarter. Selected grantees will be paired with NetSuite employee volunteers, who will take on the project. From dashboard configurations to e-newsletter strategies, we are thrilled to harness the power of our employees’ technical skills and innovative ideas on behalf of our grantee partners. Grantees should be on the lookout for applications to the 2013 program later this year.
Interested in becoming a grantee so that you can receive pro bono help as well? Apply for a donation today (opens in new tab).
Our second employee program, SuiteImpact Teams, allows each of our employees to participate in hands-on volunteer efforts in the communities where we live and work. We are very excited for the launch of these teams, as they will bring all of our NetSuite employees together to give back around specific causes that are important to the company.
Together, SuiteVolunteers and SuiteImpact Teams will allow the NetSuite family to redefine our commitment to the local and global community. We’re excited to play our part in helping to create social change, and look forward to sharing the results with you as these programs take shape. Have an idea of something you’d like to see our employees work on? You can find us on Twitter @NetSuiteorg (opens in new tab).