In honor of Hunger Awareness Month, (opens in new tab) SuiteImpact Teams in San Mateo and Toronto held food drives to encourage employees to give back to the 1 in 6 people in the U.S. and Canada who struggle with hunger each day.

The Toronto office kicked off its annual food drive in August with Marty Reaume, Chief People Officer, and executive champion for this drive issuing a SuiteImpact (opens in new tab) Team Challenge. The goal was to provide a minimum of 600 lbs of food to the Mississauga Food Bank by month end. The 1st and 2nd floors teamed up and competed with the 4th floor to see who could raise the most food with the winning floor(s) treated to lunch on Friday September 20th in honor of World Gratitude Day.

Once the dust had settled, it was the 4th floor that emerged victorious, donating 400 pounds of the total 617 pounds of food and was treated to Paramount Fine Foods courtesy of the 1st and 2nd floors. It was another successful event with a BIG “thank you” going out to the Toronto office for their continued kindness and generosity.

In September, CEO Zach Nelson sent out the call to NetSuite San Mateo employees to give back to those struggling with hunger issues in our community through the SuiteImpact Hunger Campaign. Over the course of the month, employees competed by floor to earn points for their team. Points were earned by volunteering at the food bank, donating food in the office, or making contributions in our online donation drive.

As always, it was awesome to see our employees get competitive for a cause – each floor put up a good showing, but in the end, it was the first floor – our Legal, Finance, HR, Developer Network and IT/Admin teams who brought home the win!

Employees really made a big difference for the Second Harvest Food Bank of San Carlos/San Mateo and the San Francisco Food Bank (opens in new tab) at two volunteer events. In San Mateo, a team of NetSuite employees sorted food donations while another team in San Francisco sorted thousands of pounds of apples from local orchards. Once sorted and packed, these apples went to local public schools.

By the numbers, San Mateo Employees:

Raised $13,466 – which will provide nearly 30,000 meals!

Volunteered 80 hours between Second Harvest and SF Food Banks.

Donated 445 pounds of food!

Great work to the teams in both San Mateo and Toronto!

Learn more about the SuiteImpact Team Volunteer Program and’s Corporate
Citizenship initiatives at (opens in new tab) or @NetSuiteOrg. (opens in new tab)

To view photos from these events, please visit the NetSuite Facebook (opens in new tab).