We hope by now you’ve registered for SuiteWorld, NetSuite’s upcoming user and partner conference in San Francisco, May 8-12, 2011.
This promises to be a jammed-packed event with not only great customers from North America, Asia and Europe sharing their best practices within the industries of wholesale distribution, manufacturing, services, software, and ecommerce; but also key members of NetSuite’s product management, professional services, and partner community.
I am responsible for the industry track at the event: "Vertical Best Practices".
Each industry will have its own panel of experts discussing what worked and what didn’t, what lessons they wish they knew, if they had a time machine and could go back in time, and most importantly what best practices they can share with you. This promises to be a great and very interactive track so start thinking up your questions for our panel members now! And if you’re interested in sharing your NetSuite experience with other attendees at SuiteWorld, please let us know via email to SuiteWorld2011@netsuite.com.
In some of our industries we’ve been conducting industry surveys: WD industry survey was done in the summer of 2010, Manufacturing is being done right now, and a few other industry surveys will be completed over the coming months, right in time for us to share these insights with you.
We are looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco!
-Roman Bukary, Industries Solution Marketing