
Internal ID: check

Supports Custom Fields


Internal ID Type nlapiSubmitField Label Required Help
account select false Account false This is the bank account that will be affected by this check transaction. If you are in edit mode, you can select an existing account or set up a new account by clicking New. For details about existing bank accounts, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounts.
balance currency false Balance false NetSuite displays the balance of the selected bank account. This field is read-only.
billpay checkbox false Bill Pay false Check this box to send this check online. You must follow the set up procedure in How Do I Set Up Online Bill Pay before you can use this feature. The NetSuite basic package includes a set number of bill pay transactions. Click the Charges may apply link for more information.
class select false Class false This is the class with which this check is associated. If you are in edit mode, you can select an existing class or create a new class by selecting New. For details on existing classes, go to Setup > Company > Classes.
cleared checkbox Cleared false
cleareddate date Date Cleared false
createddate datetime false false
currency select false Currency true This is the currency in which this check is paid. The currency is populated based on the currency selected on the Financial subtab of the payee's record.
currencyname text false Currency false
currencysymbol text false Currency Symbol false
customform select false Custom Form true This is the type of form used to enter check information in NetSuite. You can select either a standard or custom form. To create your own custom check form, select an existing standard form and customize it. For more information, see Custom Forms.
department select false Department false This is the department with which this check is associated. If you are in edit mode, you can select an existing department or create a new department by selecting New. For details on existing departments, go to Setup > Company > Departments.
entity select false Payee true This is the name of the person or company who will receive this check. If you are in edit mode, you can select an existing payee or set up a new payee by clicking New.
entitynexus select false Nexus false
exchangerate currency2 false Exchange Rate true The currency's exchange rate is shown in this field. You can edit the exchange rate for this transaction only, or you can update the currency record with the exchange rate you enter here.
externalid text false ExternalId false
isbasecurrency checkbox false Base Currency false
landedcostperline checkbox false Landed Cost per Line false This box indicates whether NetSuite specifies the landed cost per line item. You can check this box if you want to specify the landed cost per line item. For details on landed cost, see Landed Cost.
lastmodifieddate datetime false false
location select false Location true This is the location associated with this item. If you are in edit mode, you can select a location to associate with this item or select New to create a new location record. For details about existing locations, go to Lists > Locations.
memo text true Memo false If you wish, enter a memo. What you enter here will print on the memo line of the check.
nexus select false Nexus false
payeeaddress summary false false
payeeaddresslist select false Address To Select false This field displays the address label of the customer record based on the payee selected. If the customer record has multiple address labels, the label for the Default Billing address appears by default. You can select another address label from the list. You can add a new address by selecting New.
postingperiod select false Posting Period true This is the period to which you want to post this check. You only need to select a posting period if you use accounting periods. If a period is closed, you cannot post to that period. For details about accounting periods, see Accounting Period Management.
status text false Status false
statusref text false false
subsidiary select false Subsidiary false If you use NetSuite OneWorld, the Subsidiary field defaults to the primary subsidiary associated with the Payee. Note: If you share vendor records with multiple subsidiaries, you can change the subsidiary from the primary subsidiary to a secondary subsidiary. Changing the subsidiary updates the bank account to that of the selected subsidiary, updates the currency to that of the new bank, and clears the lines on the Expenses and Items subtabs.
tobeprinted checkbox true To Be Printed false This box indicates whether this check is saved in a queue of checks to print. In edit mode, you can select or clear the box. To save and print this check now, you can click Save & Print.
total currency false Amount false
trandate date false Date true NetSuite inserts today's date for the posting date of this check. You can type or pick another date. What you enter here determines the date range in which this transaction appears on the Bank register. You can select or enter custom date ranges on registers.
tranid rtext false Check # false NetSuite automatically fills this field. If you checked the To Be Printed box, this field autofills with To Print. You choose starting numbers when you print those checks. If you are immediately printing this check, NetSuite increases the largest check number by one. You can type another number here, but the next number reverts to the standard pattern. You can also use this field to record ACH, ATM, or other reference numbers.
transactionnumber text false Transaction Number false If you use the automatic transaction numbering feature, this field displays To Be Generated. Auto-generated numbers for transaction records are internal, gapless numbers that cannot be overwritten and are generated when the record is saved. These internal numbers are generated for each transaction type. For more information, see Auto-Generated Transaction Numbers. If you do not use the automatic transaction numbering feature, enter a transaction number for this transaction.
usertotal currency false Amount false This is the dollar amount of the check. You can enter the amount for which you want to write the check, but NetSuite will update this amount as you add or edit line items.


accountingbookdetail - Accounting Books

Internal ID Type Label Required Help
accountingbook select Secondary Book false
exchangerate currency2 Exchange Rate true

expense - Expenses

Internal ID Type Label Required Help
account select Account true Select the bank account that will be affected by this transaction. Click —New— to set up a new bank account. Go to Lists > Accounts for details about existing bank accounts.
amount currency Amount true
category text false
class select Class false If you wish, select the class that applies to this item. Click —New— to set up a new class. Go to Lists > Classes for details about existing classes.
customer select Customer false
department select Department false If you like, select a department. Click New to enter a new department. Go to Lists > Departments for details about existing departments.
isbillable checkbox Billable false
line text false
location select Location false Select a location to associate with this item. Select New to create a new location record. Go to Lists > Locations for details about existing locations.
memo text Memo false If you wish, enter a memo. What you enter here will print on the memo line of the check.

item - Items

Internal ID Type Label Required Help
amount currency Amount false
billvariancestatus text false
catchupperiod select false
class select Class false If you wish, select the class that applies to this item. Click —New— to set up a new class. Go to Lists > Classes for details about existing classes.
customer select Customer false
deferrevrec checkbox false
department select Department false If you like, select a department. Click New to enter a new department. Go to Lists > Departments for details about existing departments.
description textarea Description false
id text false
inventorydetail summary Inventory Detail false
isbillable checkbox Billable false
isvsoebundle text false
item select Item true
itemsubtype text false
itemtype text false
line text false
linenumber integer false
location select Location true Select a location to associate with this item. Select New to create a new location record. Go to Lists > Locations for details about existing locations.
matrixtype text false
options namevaluelist Options false
quantity float Quantity false
rate rate Rate false
rateschedule text false
taxcode select Tax Code true
taxrate1 percent Tax Rate false
units select Units false
vendorname text Vendor Name false


Name Label
custom Custom
history History
items Items
landedcost Landed Cost
workflow Workflow

Search Data


Transform Types

Target Record Type Field Defaults
journalentry customform,void