Internal ID |
Type |
nlapiSubmitField |
Label |
Required |
Help |
account |
select |
false |
Account |
false |
Select the cash or bank account from which you are refunding this money. |
allowemptycards |
checkbox |
false |
Credits |
false |
althandlingcost |
currency |
false |
Handling Cost |
false |
This is the amount the customer was charged for handling. |
altshippingcost |
currency |
false |
Shipping Cost |
false |
This is the amount the customer was charged for shipping. |
billaddress |
address |
false |
Bill To |
false |
The default billing address autofills this field from the customer's record at Lists > Relationships > Customers.
To enter a different address:
* Select another address in the Bill To Select field.
* Select New in the Bill To Select field to enter a new billing address. |
billaddresslist |
select |
false |
Bill To Select |
false |
Select the appropriate billing address for this transaction. Select New to enter a new billing address. |
billingaddress |
false |
false |
billisresidential |
text |
false |
Shipping address is residential |
false |
ccapproved |
checkbox |
false |
Credit Card Approved |
false |
Place a check mark in this box only if the credit card transaction has been performed outside NetSuite, such as by a card-swipe terminal.
If you have a NetSuite merchant account, then this field is automatically filled as soon as the transaction is approved. |
ccexpiredate |
ccexpdate |
false |
Expires (MM/YYYY) |
false |
Enter the credit card's expiration date using this format: MM/YYYY. |
cchold |
text |
false |
Detail |
false |
ccholdetails |
textarea |
false |
Detail |
false |
ccispurchasecardbin |
checkbox |
false |
Purchase Card BIN |
false |
ccname |
text |
false |
Name on Card |
false |
NetSuite enters the cardholder name from the default credit card on the customer's record.
If the field contains no value or the wrong value, check the customer's record at Lists > Relationships > Customers. On the Financial subtab of the customer's record, verify that the Cardholder Name field contains the correct information. |
ccnumber |
ccnumber |
false |
Credit Card # |
false |
If refund is by credit card, enter the card number here. Enter numbers only, without spaces.
NetSuite is a secure site. If a NetSuite merchant gives a customer access to view payment information, only that merchant and that customer will be able to see this number. |
ccprocessoraccount |
text |
false |
Credit Card Processing Profile |
false |
ccstreet |
text |
false |
Card Street |
false |
NetSuite enters the street address from the customer's billing address.
If the field contains no value or the wrong value, check the customer's record at Lists > Relationships > Customers. On the Address subtab of the customer's record, make sure the default billing address contains the correct street address. |
cczipcode |
text |
false |
Card Zip Code |
false |
NetSuite enters the zip or postal code from the customer's billing address.
If the field contains no value or the wrong value, check the customer's record at Lists > Relationships > Customers. On the Address subtab of the customer's record, make sure the default billing address contains the correct zip or postal code. |
chargeit |
checkbox |
false |
Process Credit Card |
false |
If refund is by credit card, place a check mark in this box to process the credit to the customer's charge account over the Internet. You must have previously set up a NetSuite merchant account for this to work. |
checknumber |
text |
false |
Check # |
false |
class |
select |
false |
Class |
false |
If you wish, select the class that applies to this refund.
To create a new class, select New.
For details on existing classes, go to Setup > Company > Classes. |
cleared |
checkbox |
Cleared |
false |
cleareddate |
date |
Date Cleared |
false |
couponcode |
select |
false |
Coupon Code |
false |
If you are applying a single-use coupon to this transaction, enter that coupon code here.
If you are applying a multiple-use coupon to this transaction, select the promotion in the Promotion field, and the coupon code is shown here. |
createddate |
datetime |
false |
false |
createdfrom |
select |
false |
Created From |
false |
This field shows the return Authorization this refund is created from.
Click the link to open the return authorization. |
creditcard |
select |
false |
Credit Card Select |
false |
Select a credit card stored on the customer record to use as the method to refund this payment.
Click New to enter a new credit card. |
creditcardprocessor |
select |
false |
Credit Card Processor |
false |
Select the credit card processor you want to use for this transaction.
You can set up credit card processors at Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Payment Processing Profiles > New. |
currency |
select |
false |
Currency |
true |
If you do not use the Multi-Currency Customers feature, the currency of the customer you are creating this transaction for is shown here.
If you use the Multi-Currency Customers feature, select the transaction currency you want to create this transaction in. This customer's primary currency is selected by default.
If you have already selected items on this transaction, selecting a new currency refreshes them to show the price in the new currency (except for items you entered custom prices for) and recalculates tax and gross profit. |
currencyname |
text |
false |
Currency |
false |
This customer's currency is shown in this field.
All currency amounts on this transaction are shown in this currency. |
currencysymbol |
text |
false |
Currency Symbol |
false |
customercode |
text |
false |
Customer Code |
false |
customform |
select |
false |
Custom Form |
true |
If you customized a cash refund form, select it here, or click New to customize a new cash refund form. |
debitcardissueno |
text |
false |
Issue No. |
false |
If the card is a debit card, enter the card's issue number. |
deferredrevenue |
currency |
false |
Deferred Revenue |
false |
Deferred Revenue: amount of revenue deferred on this transaction |
department |
select |
false |
Department |
false |
Select a department to associate with this transaction.
To create a new department, select New.
For details on existing departments, go to Setup > Company > Departments. |
discountitem |
select |
false |
Discount |
false |
You can select a discount for this cash refund if one was used on the original sale. NetSuite fills the Rate and Discount Total fields based on the discount you choose.
Leave this field blank if you do not want to apply a discount to this transaction.
For details on existing discount items, go to Lists > Accounting > Items and select Discount in the type field in the footer.
To create new discount items, go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New and click Discount. |
discountrate |
rate |
false |
Rate |
false |
NetSuite enters the rate for the discount item you selected. You can change the discount rate for this cash refund.
Enter the discount as a dollar amount like 10.00, or as a percentage like 10%. |
discounttotal |
currency |
false |
Discount |
false |
NetSuite enters the amount discounted on this cash refund.
If this discount item is taxable, the discount is applied before taxes. If it is not taxable, the discount is applied after taxes. |
dynamicdescriptor |
text |
false |
Soft Descriptor |
false |
email |
emails |
true |
false |
entity |
select |
false |
Customer |
true |
Select the customer for this refund. If you are using jobs, select the appropriate job rather than the master customer account.
To create a new customer record, select New. For details on existing customers and projects, go to Lists > Relationships > Customers. |
entitynexus |
select |
false |
Nexus |
false |
entitytaxregnum |
select |
Tax Reg. Number |
false |
Select the customer's tax registration number associated with this cash refund. |
estgrossprofit |
currency |
false |
Est. Gross Profit |
false |
Estimated Gross Profit is a read-only field that equals the revenue amount minus the Est. Cost. At the transaction level, it equals the gross profit of all lines, factoring transaction-level discounts and markups. |
estgrossprofitpercent |
percent |
false |
Est. Gross Profit Percent |
false |
Estimated Gross Profit Margin, as a percentage: Read-only field that equals the Est. Gross Profit divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage. At the transaction level, it equals the gross profit percent of all lines, factoring transaction-level discounts and markups. |
exchangerate |
currency2 |
false |
Exchange Rate |
true |
The currency's exchange rate is shown in this field.
You can edit the exchange rate for this transaction only, or you can update the currency record with the exchange rate you enter here. |
excludecommission |
checkbox |
true |
Exclude Commissions |
false |
Check this option to exclude this transaction and its subordinate transactions from inclusion in all commission calculations. |
externalid |
text |
false |
ExternalId |
false |
handlingcost |
currency |
false |
Handling Cost |
false |
Enter the amount the customer was charged for handling. |
handlingmode |
select |
false |
Handling Mode |
false |
handlingtax1rate |
text |
false |
Tax Rate |
false |
The tax rate for this tax code is shown here. |
handlingtaxcode |
select |
false |
Handling Tax Code |
false |
Select the tax code that determines the tax for handling charges. |
inputauthcode |
text |
false |
Input Auth. Code |
false |
inputpnrefnum |
text |
false |
false |
inputreferencecode |
text |
false |
Input P/N Ref. |
true |
isbasecurrency |
checkbox |
false |
Base Currency |
false |
ispurchasecard |
text |
false |
Override Hold |
false |
istaxable |
checkbox |
false |
Taxable |
false |
Place a check mark in this box if the original order was taxable. |
lastmodifieddate |
datetime |
false |
false |
leadsource |
select |
false |
Lead Source |
false |
Select the lead source this transaction is associated with.
If you use the Marketing Automation feature, your list of lead sources is your list of campaigns.
If you do not use Marketing Automation, you can create new lead sources at Setup > Sales > CRM Lists > New > Lead Source. |
location |
select |
false |
Location |
true |
Choose the location you want to associate with this transaction.
To create a new location, select New.
For details on existing locations, go to Setup > Company > Locations. |
memo |
text |
true |
Memo |
false |
If you wish, enter a memo to describe this cash refund. It will appear on reports such as the 2-line Undeposited Funds register. |
message |
textarea |
false |
Customer Message |
false |
Edit the message you selected in the Select Message field, or enter a new message here.
If you choose to print, email or fax this transaction to the customer, this message shows on the transaction. |
muccpromocodeinstance |
text |
false |
Promo Code |
false |
nexus |
select |
false |
Nexus |
false |
This field shows the nexus of the transaction. NetSuite automatically populates this field based on the nexus lookup logic.
You can override the transaction nexus and tax registration number that NetSuite automatically selects by checking the Nexus Override box. When you select a different nexus in the dropdown list, the corresponding tax registration number is automatically selected in the Subsidiary Tax Reg. Number field. |
otherrefnum |
text |
false |
Check # |
false |
If required, enter the customer's original check number. |
outputauthcode |
text |
false |
Auth. Code |
false |
outputreferencecode |
text |
false |
P/N Ref. |
false |
overridehold |
checkbox |
false |
Override Hold |
false |
overrideholdchecked |
checkbox |
false |
Override Hold |
false |
partner |
select |
true |
Partner |
false |
The partner associated with this customer appears in the Partner field.
You can change the partner for this transaction. |
paymentcardcsc |
text |
false |
false |
paymenteventdate |
datetime |
false |
Override Hold |
false |
paymenteventholdreason |
select |
false |
Reason |
false |
paymenteventpurchasedatasent |
text |
false |
Override Hold |
false |
paymenteventresult |
select |
false |
Status |
false |
paymenteventtype |
text |
false |
Override Hold |
false |
paymenteventupdatedby |
text |
false |
Override Hold |
false |
paymentmethod |
select |
false |
Payment Method |
false |
Enter the customer's original payment method. |
paymentoperation |
text |
Payment Operation |
false |
paymentoption |
select |
false |
Payment Option |
false |
paymentprocessingprofile |
select |
false |
Payment Processing Profile |
false |
paypalauthid |
text |
false |
Authorization ID |
false |
paypalprocess |
checkbox |
false |
Process PayPal Payment |
false |
paypalstatus |
text |
false |
PayPal Status |
false |
paypaltranid |
text |
false |
PayPal Tran. ID |
false |
pnrefnum |
text |
false |
P/N Ref. |
false |
If you accept credit card payments, the Verisign authentication code appears here once the payment is approved. |
postingperiod |
select |
false |
Posting Period |
true |
Select the period you want to post this refund to.
If a period is closed, you cannot post to that period. |
promocode |
select |
false |
Promotion |
false |
Select a promotion code to apply to this transaction.
Customers associated with a partner can only use that partner's promotion codes.
If you select a promotion code associated with a partner, this transaction is attributed to that partner for reporting purposes.
Create new promotion codes at Commerce > Marketing > Promotion Codes > New. |
promocodepluginimpl |
text |
false |
Promo Code |
false |
recognizedrevenue |
currency |
false |
Recognized Revenue |
false |
Recognized Revenue: cumulative amount of revenue recognized for this transaction |
refundcheck |
checkbox |
false |
Create Check |
false |
Place a check mark in the box after Create Check if you wish to refund money by check.
Clear this box if you want to issue a cash or credit card refund. |
revenuestatus |
text |
false |
Revenue Status |
false |
The possible values for this field are:
1. Pending: indicates that no recognition has occurred. All revenue is still deferred.
2. In Progress: indicates that some recognition has occurred.
3. Completed: indicates that all recognition has occurred. No deferred revenue remains. |
revreconrevcommitment |
checkbox |
false |
Rev Rec on Rev Commit. |
false |
saleseffectivedate |
date |
false |
Sales Effective Date |
false |
You can change the sales effective date for this transaction.
The sales effective date determines which commission plan and historical sales team this transaction applies to.
If this return is created from a sales transaction, the sales effective date from the sale shown in the Created From field is set by default for this refund. |
salesgroup |
select |
false |
Choose Team |
false |
salesrep |
select |
true |
Sales Rep |
false |
NetSuite inserts the sales representative associated with this company on the customer record at Lists > Relationships > Customers.
If a different sales rep is assigned to this refund, select that sales rep here.
To add additional sales reps to this list, go to Lists > Employees > Employees > New. |
shipaddress |
address |
false |
Ship To |
false |
shipaddresslist |
select |
false |
Ship To Select |
false |
shipisresidential |
text |
false |
Shipping address is residential |
false |
shipmethod |
select |
false |
Ship Via |
false |
Enter the method used to ship this order to the customer. |
shipoverride |
text |
false |
false |
shippingaddress |
false |
false |
shippingcost |
currency |
false |
Shipping Cost |
false |
Enter the amount the customer was charged for shipping. |
shippingcostoverridden |
text |
false |
Shipping Cost Overridden |
false |
shippingtax1rate |
text |
false |
Tax Rate |
false |
The tax rate for this tax code is shown here. |
shippingtaxcode |
select |
false |
Shipping Tax Code |
false |
Select the tax code that determines the tax charged for shipping. |
softdescriptor |
text |
false |
Soft Descriptor |
false |
This shows the company or brand name that is listed with this transaction on the customer's credit card statement.
Soft descriptors are set up at Setup > Accounting > Credit Card Soft Descriptors. |
source |
text |
false |
Source |
false |
subsidiary |
select |
false |
Subsidiary |
false |
Select the subsidiary that applies to this refund. |
subsidiarytaxregnum |
select |
Tax Reg. Number |
false |
This field shows the tax registration number of the transaction nexus. NetSuite automatically populates this field based on the nexus lookup logic.
You can override the transaction nexus and tax registration number that NetSuite automatically selects by checking the Nexus Override box. When you select a different tax registration number in the dropdown list, the corresponding nexus is automatically selected in the Nexus field. |
subtotal |
currency |
false |
Subtotal |
false |
This field shows the subtotal of the items on this cash refund.
This is the total before discounts, shipping costs, handling costs or taxes are added to the refund. |
syncpartnerteams |
checkbox |
false |
Update Customer |
false |
syncsalesteams |
checkbox |
false |
Update Customer |
false |
Check this box if you want to update the sales team on the customer's record with changes you make here. |
taxdetailsoverride |
checkbox |
Tax Details Override |
false |
Check this box to override the tax information on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction. Only roles with at least the Edit level of the Tax Details Tab permission can override the tax details. |
taxitem |
select |
false |
Tax |
false |
A tax item is a tax that you collect at one certain rate and pay to one tax agency for this sale. NetSuite inserts the tax item for this customer from the record at Lists > Customers. To change it just for this refund, select another tax item.
To add additional choices to this list, go to Lists > New Item > Sales Tax Item. |
taxpointdate |
date |
false |
Tax Point Date |
false |
taxpointdateoverride |
checkbox |
false |
Override |
false |
Check this box to override the tax point date. |
taxrate |
float |
false |
Tax % |
false |
NetSuite inserts the percentage rate of the tax item from its record at Lists > Items. You can change it here for just this transaction if you wish. |
taxregoverride |
checkbox |
Tax Registration Override |
false |
taxtotal |
currency |
false |
Tax Total |
false |
NetSuite multiplies the tax rate by the taxable total of line items and enters it here. |
tobeemailed |
checkbox |
false |
To Be E-mailed |
false |
Check this box if you want to e-mail this cash refund form. Then, enter the e-mail address in the space to the right of the check box.
You can enter multiple e-mail addresses by separating them with semicolons. It is important to separate the addresses with only semicolons, and do not include any spaces. |
tobefaxed |
checkbox |
false |
To Be Faxed |
false |
Check this box if you want to fax this cash sale refund.
Enter the fax number in the space to the right of the check box if it doesn't already appear.
To fax NetSuite forms, an administrator must first set up fax service at Setup > Company > Printing, Fax and E-mail Preferences. |
tobeprinted |
checkbox |
true |
To Be Printed |
false |
Check this box if you wish to save this in a queue of cash refund forms to print. Otherwise, you can click Print below to submit and print this form at once. |
toprint2 |
checkbox |
false |
Print Check |
false |
Place a check mark in the box after Print Check if you are creating a check and if you wish to print that check. |
total |
currency |
false |
Total |
false |
NetSuite computes the total of line items and tax, and then enters it here. |
totalcostestimate |
currency |
false |
Est. Extended Cost |
false |
The estimated cost of the specific number of items. This is calculated as:
estimated rate x quantity = estimated cost |
trandate |
date |
false |
Date |
true |
NetSuite inserts today's date for the posting date of this cash refund. You can type or pick another date.
What you enter here determines the date range in which this transaction appears in the A/R and A/P registers.
You can select or enter custom date ranges on registers. |
tranid |
text |
false |
Refund # |
false |
NetSuite increases the largest refund number by one. If you wish, you can type another number. The next refund number will revert to the standard pattern.
You can enter a maximum of 45 characters in this field. |
tranisvsoebundle |
checkbox |
false |
Transaction Is VSOE Bundle |
false |
validfrom |
ccvalidfrom |
false |
Valid From / Start Date (MM/YYYY) |
false |
Enter the date when this card first became valid. Use the format MM/YYYY. |
vsoeautocalc |
checkbox |
false |
Auto Calculate VSOE Allocation |
false |
The VSOE allocation amount can be calculated automatically by checking the Auto Calculate VSOE Allocation box. Allocation is the process to determine the VSOE price for items.
The total VSOE amount allocated is the revenue amount to be recognized for the bundle. |