


altTagCaption string 0..1 Alt Image Tag F Alt text appears when users mouse-over images on your site and it should be as concise and descriptive as possible. Best practice is to use multiple terms separated by a comma. The Alt Image Text field accepts hyphenated terms and double quotes. For example: flat-screen, “home theater”, HD.
attachFrom FileAttachFrom 0..1 Attach From F In the dropdown, choose Computer to attach a file from your hard drive, or Web to attach a file by linking to it on the Internet.
bundleable boolean 0..1 Available for SuiteBundles F Check this box to include the file in a bundle. If you include this file in a bundle, clearing this box does not remove the file from the bundle. If you want to remove the file from a bundle, you have to update the bundle and remove the file.
caption string 0..1 Caption F Enter the name of this file as you want it displayed in your Web site.
class string 0..1 Class Restriction F References a value from a user defined list at Setup > Company > Classes. This field is required when Make Classes Mandatory is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
content base64Binary 0..1 F
createdDate dateTime 0..1 Date Created F
department string 0..1 Department Restriction F References a value from a user defined list at Setup > Company > Departments. This field is required when Make Departments Mandatory is enabled at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.
description string 0..1 Description F Enter a description for this file. This description appears on the file record only.
encoding FileEncoding 0..1
featuredDescription string 0..1 Featured Description F This description appears below the item's store display name on the Welcome page of your store or site.
fileSize double 0..1 File Size (bytes) F This field defaults to the size of the file. This field is read-only.
fileType MediaType 0..1 Document Type F
folder RecordRef 0..1 Folder T Defaults to the name of the folder that your file is stored in. You can specify a new folder name if you wish.
hideInBundle boolean 0..1 Hide in SuiteBundle F Check this box if you want this file to not be viewable by those who install this file as part of a SuiteBundle. Note: You cannot hide Client SuiteScript in a bundle.
isInactive boolean 0..1 Inactive F Set to true if you want to inactivate this record. If set to true, this file or folder will no longer appear on lists.
isOnline boolean 0..1 Available Without Login F * Set this box to TRUE if you want this file accessible externally. The file may be accessed with a URL that points to the file record. * Set this box to FALSE if you want the file only accessible to those who are logged in to NetSuite with permission to view file cabinet documents. * The default value of this box for images and web site hosting files uploaded with SOAP web services is FALSE.
isPrivate boolean 0..1 Private File F Set to true if you want the documents and images in this folder to be seen by only you.
lastModifiedDate dateTime 0..1 Last Modified Date F
mediaFile RecordRef 0..1 Select File F Click Browse and find the file you want to upload to NetSuite. When you have selected the file, click Submit to upload the document.
mediaTypeName string 0..1 File Type F This field defaults to the file's format that was previously set when the file was added to the file cabinet. This field is read-only.
name string 0..1 File Name F Enter a name for this file cabinet folder. You can use folders to organize the documents and images you store in your file cabinet.
owner RecordRef 0..1 Owner F This is the current owner of the file. The owner of the file is visible only when the folder in which the file is located is set to private.
siteCategoryList FileSiteCategoryList 0..1
siteDescription string 0..1 Site Description F Enter a brief description for this file. This description appears under the file's display name on catalog pages in your store or site. You can enter letters, numbers, and basic HTML code.
storeDisplayThumbnail RecordRef 0..1 Thumbnail F Select an image from your file cabinet you want to use as the thumbnail image for this file. This image shows with this file before a customer clicks the file for more information. Upload images at Documents > Files. Click Add File in the Images folder. You can automatically resize images less than 5 megapixels in size at Setup > Intranet > Image Resizing.
textFileEncoding TextFileEncoding 0..1 Character Encoding F Choose the proper character encoding for the file.
url string 0..1 URL F Displays the URL of the file in the file cabinet. This is a read-only field.
urlComponent string 0..1 URL Component F


externalId string
internalId string

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