
This table stores the Bill of Materials (BOM) records. BOMs list the Revisions, which contains quantities of raw materials, assemblies, sub-components, and parts needed to manufacture a product.
A BOM can have defined multiple revisions. BOM Revision records help determine the correct version for a given effective date.
The Advanced Bill of Materials feature must be enabled.


Name Type Length Precision Scale References In Description
available_for_all_assemblies VARCHAR2 3 Available for all Assemblies
available_for_all_locations VARCHAR2 3 Available for all Locations
bill_of_materials_extid VARCHAR2 255 BOM External ID
bill_of_materials_id NUMBER 39 0 Bill of Materials ID
date_created TIMESTAMP Date created
exclude_child_subsidiaries VARCHAR2 3 Exclude child subsidiaries
form_template_component_id VARCHAR2 16 Form template component ID
form_template_id NUMBER 39 0 Form template ID
is_inactive VARCHAR2 3 Is inactive
memo VARCHAR2 1024 Memo
name VARCHAR2 600 Name
original_assembly_id NUMBER 39 0 item_id
Original assembly ID
use_component_yield VARCHAR2 3 Use component yield

Primary key

PK Column Name

Foreign keys in this table

FK Name FK Column Name PK Table Name PK Column Name Key Seq
bill_of_materials_items_fk original_assembly_id Items item_id 1

Foreign keys referencing this table

FK Name PK Column Name FK Table Name FK Column Name Key Seq
Bom_revisions_bill_of_materials_fk bill_of_materials_id Bom_revisions bill_of_materials_id 1