Purchase Order

Internal ID: purchaseorder

Supports Deleted Record Search


Internal ID Type nlapiSubmitField Label Required Help
approvalstatus select false Approval Status false When you use SuiteFlow for purchase approvals, purchase orders and requests include the Approval Status field. The Approval Status field reflects the state of the transaction in the approval process. Purchase orders and requests may have one of the following statuses: * Pending Approval – The purchase has not yet been approved. * Approved – The purchase has been given approval for processing. * Rejected – The purchase approval is refused and the order will not be processed. You may manually select a different status in this field if needed.
availablevendorcredit currency false Available Vendor Credit false If you have customized the purchase order to display the Available Vendor Credit field, changing the subsidiary changes the available credit limit value to reflect the currency of the selected subsidiary.
balance currency false false
billaddress address false Vendor false
billingaddress summary false false
billisresidential text false Shipping address is residential false
class select false Class false
createddate datetime false false
createdfrom select false Created From false
currency select false Currency true This field shows the vendor currency used for this transaction. If you use the Multiple Currencies or Multi-Currency Vendors features, you can select any of this vendors transaction currencies to use on this transaction. Important: Beginning with Version 2014 Release 2, the capabilities associated with the Multiple Currencies, Multi-Currency Customers, and Multi-Currency Vendors features are combined in the Multiple Currencies feature. If you are new to NetSuite, already using all three features, or not using all three features, only the Multiple Currencies box will appear on the Company subtab of the Enable Features page. You can enable or disable this feature. When you enable this feature, you gain access to support for multiple currency customers and vendors. If you are already using Multiple Currencies and Multi-Currency Customers or Multi-Currency Vendors but not all three features, you will continue to see and maintain three boxes on the Company subtab. Regardless of the number of boxes visible in your account, the purpose associated with these three features remains the same.
currencyname text false Currency false This vendor's currency is shown in this field. All currency amounts on this transaction are shown in this currency.
currencysymbol text false Currency Symbol false
customform select false Custom Form true If you customized a purchase order form, select it here, or click New to customize a new purchase order form.
department select false Department false
duedate date false Receive By false Enter the date by which the items to be ordered are needed.
email emails true false
employee select false Employee false If you are entering a purchase request for an employee, select the employee's name here. If this employee has a supervisor, the supervisor must approve this request before it is treated as a purchase order. Click New to set up a new employee record. Go to <_TABNAME=LIST_EMPLOYEE_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_EMPLOYEE_> > Employees for details about existing employees.
entity select false Vendor true Select the vendor for this purchase. Click New to set up a new vendor. Go to <_TABNAME=LIST_VENDOR_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_VENDOR_> > Vendors for details about existing suppliers. Note: If you use NetSuite OneWorld and the selected vendor record is shared with multiple subsidiaries, you can select an assigned subsidiary to associate with this purchase order. After you select the Subsidiary, the fields on the Items subtab change to reflect the values associated with the selected subsidiary. In addition, in the Classification section, the Class, Department, Location, Currency, Tax Nexus and other fields also change to reflect the selected subsidiary.
entitynexus select false Nexus false
entitytaxregnum SELECT Tax Reg. Number false
exchangerate currency2 false Exchange rate true The currency's exchange rate is shown in this field. You can edit the exchange rate for this transaction only, or you can update the currency record with the exchange rate you enter here.
externalid text false ExternalId false
fob text false FOB false Enter the location where you technically acquire ownership. For example, if you own goods as soon as they ship and pay the shipping costs from your vendor s location to your own, you might enter Shipping point.
intercostatus select false Intercompany Status false Intercompany Transaction Status can be: * Linked - intercompany order has been paired with an intercompany order in another subsidiary. * Pending - iintercompany order has not been paired with a corresponding order in another subsidiary. * Rejected - intercompany purchase order or vendor return authorization cannot be paired with a sales order or return authorization because it contains incorrect information, such as subsidiary, currency, amount, or other detail.
intercotransaction select false Paired Intercompany Transaction false Identifies the intercompany order in another subsidiary that this order is paired with. Order pairs include Sales Order/Purchase Order and Vendor Return Authorization/Return Authorization.
isbasecurrency checkbox false Base Currency false
lastmodifieddate datetime false false
linkedtrackingnumbers text false Tracking # false
location select false Location false
memo text true Memo false
message textarea false Vendor Message false If you wish, type a message that will appear on the Purchase Order form.
nextapprover select false Next Approver false When you use SuiteFlow for purchase approvals, purchase orders and requests include the Next Approver field. The Next Approver field reflects the employee that is required to approve or reject the purchase based on the workflow requirements. You may manually select a different approver in this field if needed. Note: If you have an approval chain or series of approvers for the same transaction, the value in this field can change during the approval process.
nexus select false Nexus false This field shows the nexus of the transaction. NetSuite automatically populates this field based on the lookup logic, but you can override the selected nexus. When you select a different nexus from the dropdown list, the value in the Tax Reg. Number field automatically changes.
orderstatus text false false
otherrefnum text false Vendor # false NetSuite inserts your account number for this vendor as entered at <_TABNAME=LIST_VENDOR_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_VENDOR_> > Vendors on the Financial subtab for this vendor's record.
purchasecontract select false Purchase Contract false This field displays the purchase contract associated with this order. For details about purchase contracts, click Help and read Purchase Contracts.
returntrackingnumbers text false Return Tracking # false
shipaddress address false Ship To false
shipdate date false Ship Date false Enter the date you expect the items to be shipped.
shipisresidential text false Shipping address is residential false
shipmethod select false Ship Via false Select your shipping method for this transaction.
shipoverride text false false
shippingaddress summary false false
shipto select false Ship To false Select the customer you are shipping this order to. Select New to enter a new shipping address.
source text false Source false
status text false false
statusref text false false
subsidiary select false Subsidiary false This field displays the subsidiary associated with this transaction.
subsidiarytaxregnum SELECT Tax Reg. Number false
supervisorapproval checkbox false Supervisor Approval false If you have permission to approve this purchase order, check the Supervisor Approval box.
taxdetailsoverride CHECKBOX Tax Details Override false
taxregoverride CHECKBOX Tax Registration Override false Check this box if you want to change the value in the Nexus field or the Tax Registration Number field. Only Administrator, Accountant, and Chief Financial Officer roles can override those fields.
terms select false Terms false Select the discount terms that will apply to this order. To add additional choices to this list, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists > New > Terms.
tobeemailed checkbox false To Be E-mailed false Check this box if you want to e-mail this purchase order. Then enter the e-mail address in the space to the right of the check box. You can enter multiple e-mail addresses by separating them with semicolons. It is important to separate the addresses with only semicolons, and do not include any spaces.
tobefaxed checkbox false To Be Faxed false Check this box if you want to fax this purchase order. Enter the fax number in the space to the right of the check box if it doesn't already appear. To fax NetSuite forms, an administrator must first set up fax service at <_TABNAME=ADMI_PRINTING_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=ADMI_PRINTING_> > Printing, Fax and Email Preferences.
tobeprinted checkbox true To Be Printed false Check this box if you wish to save this in a queue of purchase orders to print. Otherwise, you can click Print below to submit and print this purchase order at once.
total currency false Total false NetSuite computes the total of line items and then enters it here.
trackingnumbers text false Additional Tracking # false Enter the shipment tracking number from the shipping company. If a tracking number is entered in the exact format used by UPS or FedEx and the transaction is saved, the tracking number will show on the transaction as a link to the UPS or FedEx website. You can click the link to check the status of the shipment.
trandate date false Date true NetSuite inserts today's date for the posting date of this purchase order. You can type or pick another date. What you enter here determines the date range in which this transaction appears on the Purchase Orders Register. You can select or enter custom date ranges on registers.
tranid text false PO # false NetSuite increases the largest purchase order number by one. If you wish, you can type another number. The next PO number will revert to the standard pattern. Note: The maximum number of characters you can enter in this field is 45.
unbilledorders currency false false


accountingbookdetail - Accounting Books

Internal ID Type Label Required
accountingbook select Secondary Book false
exchangerate currency2 Exchange Rate true

expense - Expenses

Internal ID Type Label Required
account select Account true
amount currency Amount true
category select Category false
class select Class false
createdfrom select Created From false
customer select Customer false
department select Department false
isbillable checkbox Billable false
isclosed checkbox Closed false
line text false
linkedorder select Linked Order false
location select Location false
memo text Memo false

item - Items

Internal ID Type Label Required
amount currency Amount false
billvariancestatus text false
catchupperiod select false
class select Class false
createdfrom select Created From false
customer select Customer false
deferrevrec checkbox false
department select Department false
description textarea Description false
expectedreceiptdate date Expected Receipt Date false
id text false
inventorydetail summary Inventory Detail false
isbillable checkbox Billable false
isclosed checkbox Closed false
isvsoebundle text false
item select Item true
itemsubtype text false
itemtype text false
landedcostcategory select Landed Cost Category false
leadtime integer false
line text false
linenumber integer false
linkedorder select Linked Order false
matchbilltoreceipt checkbox Match Bill To Receipt false
matrixtype text false
options namevaluelist Options false
printitems text false
purchasecontract select Purchase Contract false
quantity float Quantity false
quantitybilled float Billed false
quantityonshipments FLOAT Quantity On Shipments false
quantityreceived float Received false
rate rate Rate false
rateschedule text false
units select Units false
vendorname text Vendor Name false

taxdetails - Tax Detail

Internal ID Type Label Required
calcdetail TEXTAREA Details false
grossamount CURRENCY Gross Amount false
netamount CURRENCY Net Amount false
taxamount CURRENCY Tax Amount true
taxbasis CURRENCY Tax Basis true
taxcode SELECT Tax Code true
taxdetailsreference TEXT Tax Details Reference false
taxrate PERCENT Tax Rate true
transaction SELECT Transaction false


Name Label
address Address
custom Custom
history History
items Items
output Messages
shipping Shipping
workflow Workflow

Search Data


Transform Types

Target Record Type Field Defaults
itemreceipt customform
vendorbill customform,entity,poids