Internal ID | Type | nlapiSubmitField | Label | Required | Help |
account |
false |
Account |
false |
Select the Accounts Receivable account that will be affected by this transaction. </P
Click New to set up a new account.
For details on accounts, go to <_TABNAME=LIST_ACCOUNT_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_ACCOUNT_> > Chart of Accounts. |
althandlingcost |
false |
Handling Cost |
false |
altshippingcost |
false |
Shipping Cost |
false |
amountpaid |
false |
Amount Paid |
false |
amountremaining |
false |
Amount Due |
false |
amountremainingtotalbox |
false |
Amount Due |
false |
approvalstatus |
false |
Approval Status |
false |
balance |
false |
Balance |
false |
Displays the total of all outstanding invoices for this customer. |
billaddr1 |
false |
Billing Address Line 1 |
false |
billaddr2 |
false |
Billing Address Line 2 |
false |
billaddr3 |
false |
Billing Address Line 3 |
false |
billaddress |
false |
Bill To |
false |
billaddressee |
false |
Billing Addressee |
false |
billaddresslist |
false |
Bill To |
false |
billattention |
false |
Billing Attention |
false |
billcity |
false |
Billing Address City |
false |
billcountry |
false |
Billing Address Country |
false |
billingaddress |
false |
false |
billisresidential |
false |
Shipping address is residential |
false |
billphone |
false |
Billing Phone |
false |
billstate |
false |
Billing Address State |
false |
billzip |
false |
Billing Address Zip Code |
false |
class |
false |
Class |
false |
consolidatebalance |
false |
Consolidated Balance |
false |
couponcode |
false |
Coupon Code |
false |
createddate |
false |
false |
createdfrom |
false |
Created From |
false |
currency |
false |
Currency |
true |
If you do not use the Multi-Currency Customers feature, the currency of the customer you are creating this transaction for is shown here.
If you use the Multi-Currency Customers feature, select the transaction currency you want to create this transaction in. This customer's primary currency is selected by default.
If you have already selected items on this transaction, selecting a new currency refreshes them to show the price in the new currency (except for items you entered custom prices for) and recalculates tax and gross profit. |
currencyname |
false |
Currency |
false |
currencysymbol |
false |
Currency Symbol |
false |
customform |
false |
Custom Form |
true |
deferredrevenue |
false |
Deferred Revenue |
false |
department |
false |
Department |
false |
discountamount |
false |
Disc. Amt. |
false |
discountdate |
false |
Disc. Date |
false |
discountitem |
false |
Discount |
false |
discountrate |
false |
Rate |
false |
discounttotal |
false |
Discount |
false |
duedate |
false |
Due Date |
false |
email |
true |
false |
enddate |
false |
End Date |
false |
entity |
false |
Customer |
true |
Select the customer for this invoice.
Click New to set up a new customer.
Go to <_TABNAME=LIST_CUSTJOB_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_CUSTJOB_> > Customers for details about existing customers. |
entitynexus |
false |
Nexus |
false |
estgrossprofit |
false |
Est. Gross Profit |
false |
estgrossprofitpercent |
false |
Est. Gross Profit Percent |
false |
exchangerate |
false |
Exchange Rate |
true |
excludecommission |
true |
Exclude Commissions |
false |
expcostdiscamount |
false |
Amount |
false |
expcostdiscount |
false |
Discount/Markup |
false |
expcostdiscprint |
false |
Print |
false |
expcostdiscrate |
false |
Rate |
false |
expcostdisctaxable |
false |
Taxable |
false |
expcosttaxcode |
false |
Tax Code |
false |
expcosttaxrate1 |
false |
Tax Rate |
false |
externalid |
false |
ExternalId |
false |
fob |
false |
false |
Enter the location where the customers technically acquire ownership. For example, if your customers own goods as soon as they ship and pay the shipping costs from your location to theirs, you might enter Our warehouse. |
giftcertapplied |
false |
Gift Certificate |
false |
handlingcost |
false |
Handling Cost |
false |
handlingtax1rate |
false |
Handling Tax Rate |
false |
handlingtaxcode |
false |
Handling Tax Code |
false |
isbasecurrency |
false |
Base Currency |
false |
ismultishipto |
false |
Enable Item Line Shipping |
false |
istaxable |
false |
Taxable |
false |
itemcostdiscamount |
false |
Amount |
false |
itemcostdiscount |
false |
Discount/Markup |
false |
itemcostdiscprint |
false |
Print |
false |
itemcostdiscrate |
false |
Rate |
false |
itemcostdisctaxable |
false |
Apply Before Tax |
false |
itemcosttaxcode |
false |
Tax Code |
false |
itemcosttaxrate1 |
false |
Tax Rate |
false |
lastmodifieddate |
false |
false |
leadsource |
false |
Lead Source |
false |
linkedtrackingnumbers |
false |
Tracking # |
false |
location |
false |
Location |
true |
memo |
true |
Memo |
false |
message |
false |
Customer Message |
false |
The text of the customer message you select in the Select Message field appears here.
You can edit the message or enter a new customer message for only this transaction. |
messagesel |
false |
Select Message |
false |
muccpromocodeinstance |
false |
Promo Code |
false |
nextapprover |
false |
Next Approver |
false |
nexus |
false |
Nexus |
false |
opportunity |
false |
Opportunity |
false |
If you are entering this transaction for an opportunity, select the opportunity.
You can create opportunity records at <_TABNAME=EDIT_TRAN_OPPRTNTY_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=TRAN_OPPRTNTY_> > Create Opportunities. |
otherrefnum |
false |
PO # |
false |
partner |
true |
Partner |
false |
The partner associated with this customer appears in the Partner field.
You can change the partner for this transaction. |
postingperiod |
false |
Posting Period |
true |
promocode |
false |
Promotion |
false |
promocodepluginimpl |
false |
Promo Code |
false |
recognizedrevenue |
false |
Recognized Revenue |
false |
returntrackingnumbers |
false |
Return Tracking # |
false |
revenuestatus |
false |
Revenue Status |
false |
revreconrevcommitment |
false |
Rev Rec on Rev Commit. |
false |
saleseffectivedate |
false |
Sales Effective Date |
false |
salesgroup |
false |
Choose Team |
false |
salesrep |
true |
Sales Rep |
false |
shipaddr1 |
false |
Shipping Address Line 1 |
false |
shipaddr2 |
false |
Shipping Address Line 2 |
false |
shipaddr3 |
false |
Shipping Address Line 3 |
false |
shipaddress |
false |
Ship To |
false |
shipaddressee |
false |
Shipping Addressee |
false |
shipaddresslist |
false |
Ship To |
false |
shipattention |
false |
Shipping Attention |
false |
shipcity |
false |
Shipping Address City |
false |
shipcountry |
false |
Shipping Address Country |
false |
shipdate |
false |
Ship Date |
false |
shipisresidential |
false |
Shipping address is residential |
false |
shipmethod |
false |
Shipping Method |
false |
shipoverride |
false |
false |
shipphone |
false |
Shipping Phone |
false |
shippingaddress |
false |
false |
shippingcost |
false |
Shipping Cost |
false |
shippingcostoverridden |
false |
Shipping Cost Overridden |
false |
shippingtax1rate |
false |
Shipping Tax Rate |
false |
shippingtaxcode |
false |
Shipping Tax Code |
false |
shipstate |
false |
Shipping Address State |
false |
shipzip |
false |
Shipping Address Zip Code |
false |
source |
false |
Source |
false |
startdate |
false |
Start Date |
false |
status |
false |
Status |
false |
statusRef |
false |
false |
subsidiary |
false |
Subsidiary |
false |
This field displays the subsidiary associated with this transaction. |
subtotal |
false |
Subtotal |
false |
syncpartnerteams |
false |
Update Customer |
false |
syncsalesteams |
false |
Update Customer |
false |
taxitem |
false |
Tax |
false |
taxrate |
false |
Tax % |
false |
taxtotal |
false |
Tax Total |
false |
terms |
false |
Terms |
false |
Select discount terms that will apply to this invoice.
To add additional choices to this list, go to <_TABNAME=LIST_ACCOUNTINGOTHERLIST_> > <_TASKCATEGORY=LIST_ACCOUNTINGOTHERLIST_> > Accounting Lists > New > Terms. |
timediscamount |
false |
Amount |
false |
timediscount |
false |
Discount/Markup |
false |
timediscprint |
false |
Print |
false |
timediscrate |
false |
Rate |
false |
timedisctaxable |
false |
Apply Before Tax |
false |
timetaxcode |
false |
Tax Code |
false |
timetaxrate1 |
false |
Tax Rate |
false |
tobeemailed |
false |
To Be E-mailed |
false |
tobefaxed |
false |
To Be Faxed |
false |
tobeprinted |
true |
To Be Printed |
false |
total |
false |
Total |
false |
NetSuite computes the total of line items, tax and shipping costs, and then enters it here. |
totalcostestimate |
false |
Est. Extended Cost |
false |
trackingnumbers |
false |
Additional Tracking # |
false |
trandate |
false |
Date |
true |
tranid |
false |
Invoice # |
false |
tranisvsoebundle |
false |
Transaction Is VSOE Bundle |
false |
unbilledorders |
false |
Unbilled Orders |
false |
vsoeautocalc |
false |
Auto Calculate VSOE Allocation |
false |
Internal ID | Type | Label |
account |
select |
Account |
accounttype |
select |
Account Type |
actualshipdate |
date |
Actual Ship/Receipt Date |
altsalesamount |
currency |
Amount (Alt.Sales) |
altsalesnetamount |
currency |
Amount (Alt.Sales Net) |
amount |
currency |
Amount |
amountpaid |
currency |
Amount Paid |
amountremaining |
currency |
Amount Remaining |
amountunbilled |
currency |
Amount Unbilled |
anylineitem |
multiselect |
Item On Any Line |
appliedtoforeignamount |
currency |
Applied To Link Amount (Foreign Currency) |
appliedtoisfxvariance |
checkbox |
Applied To Is FxVariance |
appliedtolinkamount |
currency |
Applied To Link Amount |
appliedtolinktype |
select |
Applied To Link Type |
appliedtotransaction |
select |
Applied To Transaction |
applyingforeignamount |
currency |
Applying Link Amount (Foreign Currency) |
applyingisfxvariance |
checkbox |
Applying Is FxVariance |
applyinglinkamount |
currency |
Applying Link Amount |
applyinglinktype |
select |
Applying Link Type |
applyingtransaction |
select |
Applying Transaction |
approvalstatus |
select |
Approval Status |
authcode |
text |
Auth. Code |
autocalculatelag |
checkbox |
Auto-calculate Lag |
avsstreetmatch |
select |
AVS Street Match |
avszipmatch |
select |
AVS Zip Match |
billable |
checkbox |
Billable |
billaddress |
textarea |
Billing Address |
billaddressee |
text |
Billing Addressee |
billattention |
text |
Billing Attention |
billcity |
text |
Billing City |
billcountry |
select |
Billing Country |
billcounty |
text |
Billing County/State |
billeddate |
date |
Date Billed |
billingschedule |
select |
Billing Schedule |
billingstatus |
checkbox |
Billing Status |
billingtransaction |
select |
Billing Transaction |
billphone |
phone |
Billing Phone |
billstate |
select |
Billing State/Province |
billvariancestatus |
select |
Bill Variance Status |
billzip |
text |
Billing Zip |
binnumber |
text |
Transaction Bin Number |
binnumberquantity |
float |
Transaction Bin Quantity |
bookspecifictransaction |
checkbox |
Book Specific Transaction |
buildentireassembly |
checkbox |
Build Sub-Assemblies |
buildvariance |
float |
Build Variance |
built |
float |
Built |
catchupperiod |
select |
Catch Up Period |
cccustomercode |
text |
CC Customer Code |
ccexpiredate |
date |
CC Expire Date |
ccname |
text |
Credit Cardholder Name |
ccnumber |
ccnumber |
Credit Card Number |
class |
select |
Class |
cleared |
checkbox |
Cleared |
closed |
checkbox |
Closed |
closedate |
date |
Date Closed |
cogs |
checkbox |
COGS Line |
commissioneffectivedate |
date |
Commission Effective Date |
commit |
select |
Commit |
confirmationnumber |
text |
Confirmation Number |
contribution |
integer |
Contribution % |
costcomponentamount |
currency |
Cost Component Amount |
costcomponentcategory |
select |
Cost Component Category |
costcomponentitem |
select |
Cost Component Item |
costcomponentquantity |
float |
Cost Component Quantity |
costcomponentstandardcost |
float |
Cost Component Standard Cost |
costestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Line) |
costestimaterate |
currency |
Est. Unit Cost |
costestimatetype |
select |
Cost Estimate Type |
createdby |
select |
Created By |
createdfrom |
select |
Created From |
creditamount |
currency |
Amount (Credit) |
cscmatch |
select |
CSC Match |
currency |
select |
Currency |
customersubof |
select |
Customer Sub of |
customform |
select |
Custom Form |
custtype |
select |
Customer Category |
datecreated |
datetime |
Date Created |
daysopen |
integer |
Days Open |
daysoverdue |
integer |
Days Overdue |
debitamount |
currency |
Amount (Debit) |
deferredrevenue |
currency |
Amount (Deferred) |
deferrevrec |
checkbox |
Delay Rev. Rec. |
department |
select |
Department |
depositdate |
date |
Date Deposited/Refunded |
deposittransaction |
select |
Deposit/Refund Transaction |
draccount |
select |
Deferred Revenue Reclassification Account |
duedate |
date |
Due Date/Receive By |
email |
text |
Email |
employee |
select |
Employee |
enddate |
date |
End Date |
entity |
select |
Name |
entitystatus |
select |
Estimate/Opportunity Status |
estgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Line) |
estgrossprofitpct |
percent |
Est. Gross Profit Percent (Line) |
exchangerate |
currency |
Exchange Rate |
excludecommission |
checkbox |
Exclude Commissions |
excludefromraterequest |
checkbox |
Exclude Item from Rate Request |
expectedclosedate |
date |
Expected Close Date |
expectedreceiptdate |
date |
Expected Receipt Date |
expensedate |
date |
Expense Date |
expreports |
select |
Expense Category |
externalid |
select |
External ID |
externalidstring |
text |
External ID (Text) |
finchrg |
checkbox |
Finance Charge |
firmed |
checkbox |
Firmed |
forecasttype |
select |
Forecast Type |
formuladate |
date |
Formula (Date) |
formulanumeric |
float |
Formula (Numeric) |
formulatext |
text |
Formula (Text) |
fulfillingtransaction |
select |
Fulfilling/Receiving Transaction |
fxaccount |
select |
Foreign Currency Adjustment Revenue Account |
fxamount |
currency |
Amount (Foreign Currency) |
fxcostestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Line) (Foreign Currency) |
fxcostestimaterate |
currency |
Est. Unit Cost (Foreign Currency) |
fxestgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Line) (Foreign Currency) |
fxtrancostestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Transaction) (Foreign Currency) |
fxvsoeallocation |
currency |
VSOE Allocation (Foreign Currency) |
fxvsoeamount |
currency |
VSOE Amount (Foreign Currency) |
fxvsoeprice |
currency |
VSOE Price (Foreign Currency) |
gcoavailabeltocharge |
checkbox |
Available to Charge |
gcoavailabletorefund |
currency |
Funds Available to Refund |
gcoavsstreetmatch |
text |
AVS Street Match (Google) |
gcoavszipmatch |
text |
AVS Zip Match (Google) |
gcobuyeraccountage |
integer |
Buyer Account Age |
gcobuyerip |
text |
Buyer IP Address |
gcochargeamount |
currency |
Requested Charge Amount |
gcochargebackamount |
currency |
Chargeback Amount |
gcoconfirmedchargedtotal |
currency |
Charge Amount Confirmed |
gcoconfirmedrefundedtotal |
currency |
Confirmed Refund Amount |
gcocreditcardnumber |
text |
Credit Card (Google) |
gcocscmatch |
text |
CSC Match (Google) |
gcofinancialstate |
text |
Google Order Financial State |
gcofulfillmentstate |
text |
Google Order Fulfillment State |
gcoorderid |
text |
Google Order ID |
gcoordertotal |
currency |
Google Order Total |
gcopromotionamount |
currency |
Google Checkout Promotion Amount |
gcopromotionname |
text |
Google Checkout Promotion |
gcorefundamount |
currency |
Requested Refund Amount |
gcoshippingtotal |
currency |
Google Shipping Total |
gcostatechangeddetail |
text |
Reason for Cancellation |
giftcertificate |
text |
Gift Certificate |
grossamount |
currency |
Amount (Gross) |
includeinforecast |
checkbox |
Include in Forecast |
intercostatus |
select |
Intercompany Status |
intercotransaction |
select |
Paired Intercompany Transaction |
internalid |
select |
Internal ID |
internalidnumber |
integer |
Internal ID (Number) |
invsoebundle |
checkbox |
In VSOE Bundle |
isallocation |
checkbox |
Is Allocation |
isbackflush |
checkbox |
Backflush |
isgcochargeback |
checkbox |
Chargeback |
isgcochargeconfirmed |
checkbox |
Charge Confirmed |
isgcopaymentguaranteed |
checkbox |
Payment Guaranteed by Google |
isgcorefundconfirmed |
checkbox |
Refund Confirmed |
isintercompanyadjustment |
checkbox |
Is Intercompany Adjustment |
ispaypalmeth |
checkbox |
Is PayPal Payment Method |
isreversal |
checkbox |
Is Reversal |
isrevrectransaction |
checkbox |
Is Amortization/Revenue Recognition |
isscrap |
checkbox |
Is Scrap |
isshipaddress |
checkbox |
Residential Address |
istransferpricecosting |
checkbox |
Use Item Cost as Transfer Cost |
isvsoealloc |
checkbox |
VSOE Allocation Line |
iswip |
checkbox |
item |
select |
Item |
itemrevision |
select |
Item Revision |
itemsubof |
select |
Item Sub of |
lastmodifieddate |
datetime |
Date Last Modified |
leadsource |
select |
Lead Source |
location |
select |
Location |
mainline |
checkbox |
Main Line |
mainname |
select |
Main Line Name |
matchbilltoreceipt |
checkbox |
Match Bill To Receipt |
memo |
text |
Memo |
memomain |
text |
Memo (Main) |
memorized |
checkbox |
Memorized |
merchantaccount |
text |
Credit Card Processor |
message |
text |
Message |
multisubsidiary |
checkbox |
Intercompany |
netamount |
currency |
Amount (Net) |
nextapprover |
select |
Next Approver |
nextbilldate |
date |
Next Bill Date |
nonreimbursable |
checkbox |
Non-reimbursable |
number |
integer |
Number |
opportunity |
select |
Opportunity |
otherrefnum |
text |
PO/Check Number |
packagecount |
integer |
Package Count |
paidtransaction |
select |
Paid Transaction |
partner |
select |
Partner |
partnercontribution |
integer |
Partner Contribution % |
partnerrole |
select |
Partner Role |
partnerteammember |
select |
Partner Team Member |
payingtransaction |
select |
Paying Transaction |
paymenteventdate |
datetime |
Payment Event Date |
paymenteventholdreason |
select |
Payment Event Hold Reason |
paymenteventpurchasecardused |
checkbox |
Payment Event Purchase Card Used |
paymenteventpurchasedatasent |
checkbox |
Payment Event Purchase Data Sent |
paymenteventresult |
select |
Payment Event Result |
paymenteventtype |
select |
Payment Event Type |
paymentmethod |
select |
Payment Method |
paypalpending |
checkbox |
Pending PayPal Authorization |
paypalstatus |
text |
PayPal Payment Status |
paypaltranid |
text |
PayPal Transaction ID |
pnrefnum |
text |
P/N Ref |
poastext |
text |
PO/Check ID |
posting |
checkbox |
Posting |
postingperiod |
period |
Period |
pricelevel |
select |
Price Level |
printedpickingticket |
checkbox |
Printed Picking Ticket |
probability |
integer |
Probability |
projectedamount |
currency |
Projected Total |
promocode |
select |
Promotion |
purchaseorder |
select |
Purchase Order |
quantity |
float |
Quantity |
quantitybilled |
float |
Quantity Billed |
quantitycommitted |
float |
Quantity Committed |
quantitypacked |
float |
Quantity Packed |
quantitypicked |
float |
Quantity Picked |
quantityrevcommitted |
float |
Quantity Rev. Committed |
quantityshiprecv |
float |
Quantity Shipped/Received |
recognizedrevenue |
currency |
Amount (Recognized) |
recordtype |
text |
Record Type |
revcommitstatus |
select |
Rev. Commit. Status |
revcommittingstatus |
checkbox |
Revenue Committing Status |
revcommittingtransaction |
select |
Revenue Committing Transaction |
revenuestatus |
select |
Revenue Status |
reversaldate |
date |
Reversal Date |
reversalnumber |
text |
Reversal Number |
revrecenddate |
date |
Rev. Rec. End Date |
revreconrevcommitment |
checkbox |
Rev. Rec. On Rev. Committment |
revrecstartdate |
date |
Rev. Rec. Start Date |
revrecterminmonths |
integer |
Rev. Rec. Term in Months |
saleseffectivedate |
date |
Sales Effective Date |
salesorder |
select |
Sales Order |
salesrep |
select |
Sales Rep |
salesteammember |
select |
Sales Team Member |
salesteamrole |
select |
Sales Team Role |
schedulingmethod |
select |
Scheduling Method |
serialnumber |
text |
Transaction Serial/Lot Number |
serialnumbercost |
currency |
Transaction Serial/Lot Amount |
serialnumbercostadjustment |
currency |
Transaction Serial/Lot Cost Adjustment |
serialnumberquantity |
float |
Transaction Serial/Lot Number Quantity |
shipaddress |
textarea |
Shipping Address |
shipaddressee |
text |
Shipping Addressee |
shipattention |
text |
Shipping Attention |
shipcarrier |
select |
Shipping Carrier |
shipcity |
text |
Shipping City |
shipcomplete |
checkbox |
Ship Complete |
shipcountry |
select |
Shipping Country |
shipcounty |
text |
Shipping County/State |
shipdate |
date |
Ship Date |
shipgroup |
integer |
Ship Group |
shipmethod |
select |
Ship Via |
shipphone |
phone |
Shipping Phone |
shipping |
checkbox |
Shipping Line |
shiprecvstatus |
checkbox |
Fulfillment/Receipt Status |
shiprecvstatusline |
checkbox |
Fulfillment/Receipt Status (Line Level) |
shipstate |
select |
Shipping State/Province |
shipto |
select |
Ship To |
shipzip |
text |
Shipping Zip |
source |
select |
Source |
startdate |
date |
Start Date |
status |
select |
Status |
subsidiary |
select |
Subsidiary |
taxitem |
select |
Tax Item |
taxline |
checkbox |
Tax Line |
taxperiod |
period |
Tax Period |
taxrate |
currency |
Rate |
terms |
select |
Terms |
title |
text |
Title |
tobeemailed |
checkbox |
To Be Emailed |
tobeprinted |
checkbox |
To Be Printed |
tosubsidiary |
select |
To Subsidiary |
totalamount |
currency |
Amount (Transaction Total) |
trackingnumbers |
text |
Tracking Number |
trancostestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Transaction) |
trandate |
date |
Date |
tranestgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Transaction) |
tranestgrossprofitpct |
percent |
Est. Gross Profit Percent (Transaction) |
tranfxestgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Transaction) (Foreign Currency) |
tranid |
text |
Number/ID |
tranisvsoebundle |
checkbox |
Transaction Is VSOE Bundle |
transactiondiscount |
checkbox |
Transaction discount |
transactionlinetype |
select |
Transaction Line Type |
transactionnumber |
text |
Transaction Number |
transferlocation |
select |
To Location |
transferorderquantitycommitted |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Committed |
transferorderquantitypacked |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Packed |
transferorderquantitypicked |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Picked |
transferorderquantityreceived |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Received |
transferorderquantityshipped |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Fulfilled |
type |
select |
Type |
unit |
select |
Units |
unitcostoverride |
currency |
Unit Cost Override |
vendtype |
select |
Vendor Category |
visibletocustomer |
checkbox |
Available In Customer Center |
voided |
checkbox |
Voided |
vsoeallocation |
currency |
VSOE Allocation |
vsoeamount |
currency |
VSOE Amount |
vsoedeferral |
select |
Deferral |
vsoedelivered |
checkbox |
Delivered |
vsoepermitdiscount |
select |
Permit Discount |
vsoeprice |
currency |
VSOE Price |
website |
select |
Web Site |
Internal ID | Type | Label |
abbrev |
text |
Abbrev. Type |
account |
select |
Account |
accounttype |
text |
Account Type |
actualshipdate |
date |
Actual Ship/Receipt Date |
altsalesamount |
currency |
Amount (Alt.Sales) |
altsalesnetamount |
currency |
Amount (Alt.Sales Net) |
amount |
currency |
Amount |
amountpaid |
currency |
Amount Paid |
amountremaining |
currency |
Amount Remaining |
amountunbilled |
currency |
Amount Unbilled |
appliedtoforeignamount |
currency |
Applied To Link Amount (Foreign Currency) |
appliedtoisfxvariance |
checkbox |
Applied To Link Is FxVariance |
appliedtolinkamount |
currency |
Applied To Link Amount |
appliedtolinktype |
select |
Applied To Link Type |
appliedtotransaction |
select |
Applied To Transaction |
applyingforeignamount |
currency |
Applying Link Amount (Foreign Currency) |
applyingisfxvariance |
checkbox |
Applying Link Is FxVariance |
applyinglinkamount |
currency |
Applying Link Amount |
applyinglinktype |
select |
Applying Link Type |
applyingtransaction |
select |
Applying Transaction |
approvalstatus |
select |
Approval Status |
authcode |
text |
Auth. Code |
autocalculatelag |
checkbox |
Auto-calculate Lag |
avsstreetmatch |
text |
AVS Street Match |
avszipmatch |
text |
AVS Zip Match |
billable |
checkbox |
Billable |
billaddress |
text |
Billing Address |
billaddress1 |
text |
Billing Address 1 |
billaddress2 |
text |
Billing Address 2 |
billaddress3 |
text |
Billing Address 3 |
billaddressee |
text |
Billing Addressee |
billattention |
text |
Billing Attention |
billcity |
text |
Billing City |
billcountry |
select |
Billing Country |
billcountrycode |
text |
Billing Country Code |
billeddate |
date |
Date Billed |
billingamount |
currency2 |
Billing Amount |
billingschedule |
select |
Billing Schedule |
billingtransaction |
select |
Billing Transaction |
billphone |
text |
Billing Phone |
billstate |
text |
Billing State/Province |
billvariancestatus |
text |
Bill Variance Status |
billzip |
text |
Billing Zip |
binnumber |
text |
Transaction Bin Number |
binnumberquantity |
float |
Transaction Bin Quantity |
buildentireassembly |
checkbox |
Build Sub-Assemblies |
buildvariance |
float |
Build Variance |
built |
float |
Built |
catchupperiod |
text |
Catch Up Period |
cccustomercode |
text |
CC Customer Code |
ccexpdate |
mmyydate |
CC Expire Date |
ccholdername |
text |
Credit Cardholder Name |
ccnumber |
ccnumber |
Credit Card Number |
ccstreet |
text |
Card Street |
cczipcode |
text |
Card Zip Code |
class |
select |
Class |
classnohierarchy |
select |
Class (no hierarchy) |
cleared |
checkbox |
Cleared |
closed |
checkbox |
Closed |
closedate |
date |
Date Closed |
cogsamount |
currency2 |
COGS Amount |
commissioneffectivedate |
date |
Commission Effective Date |
commit |
select |
Commit |
confirmationnumber |
text |
Confirmation Number |
contribution |
percent |
Contribution % |
contributionprimary |
percent |
Primary Sales Rep Contribution % |
costcomponentamount |
currency |
Cost Component Amount |
costcomponentcategory |
text |
Cost Component Category |
costcomponentitem |
text |
Cost Component Item |
costcomponentquantity |
float |
Cost Component Quantity |
costcomponentstandardcost |
float |
Cost Component Standard Cost |
costestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Line) |
costestimaterate |
currency |
Est. Unit Cost |
costestimatetype |
text |
Cost Estimate Type |
createdby |
select |
Created By |
createdfrom |
select |
Created From |
creditamount |
currency |
Amount (Credit) |
cscmatch |
text |
CSC Match |
currency |
select |
Currency |
customform |
select |
Custom Form |
custtype |
select |
Customer Category |
datecreated |
datetime |
Date Created |
daysopen |
integer |
Days Open |
daysoverdue |
integer |
Days Overdue |
debitamount |
currency |
Amount (Debit) |
deferredrevenue |
currency |
Amount (Deferred) |
deferrevrec |
checkbox |
Delay Rev. Rec. |
department |
select |
Department |
departmentnohierarchy |
select |
Department (no hierarchy) |
depositdate |
date |
Date Deposited/Refunded |
deposittransaction |
select |
Deposit/Refund Transaction |
discountamount |
currency |
Amount Discount |
draccount |
text |
Deferred Revenue Reclassification Account |
duedate |
date |
Due Date/Receive By |
effectiverate |
currency2 |
Effective Rate |
email |
email |
Email |
enddate |
date |
End Date |
entity |
select |
Name |
entitystatus |
select |
Estimate/Opportunity Status |
estgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Line) |
estgrossprofitpct |
percent |
Est. Gross Profit Percent (Line) |
estgrossprofitpercent |
percent |
Est. Gross Profit Percent (Transaction) |
exchangerate |
currency2 |
Exchange Rate |
excludecommission |
checkbox |
Exclude Commissions |
excludefromraterequest |
checkbox |
Exclude Item from Rate Request |
expectedclosedate |
date |
Expected Close |
expectedreceiptdate |
date |
Expected Receipt Date |
expensecategory |
select |
Expense Category |
expensedate |
date |
Expense Date |
externalid |
select |
External ID |
firmed |
checkbox |
Firmed |
forecasttype |
select |
Forecast Type |
formulacurrency |
currency |
Formula (Currency) |
formuladate |
date |
Formula (Date) |
formuladatetime |
datetime |
Formula (Date/Time) |
formulanumeric |
float |
Formula (Numeric) |
formulapercent |
percent |
Formula (Percent) |
formulatext |
text |
Formula (Text) |
fulfillingtransaction |
select |
Fulfilling/Receiving Transaction |
fxaccount |
text |
Foreign Currency Adjustment Revenue Account |
fxamount |
currency |
Amount (Foreign Currency) |
fxcostestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Line) (Foreign Currency) |
fxcostestimaterate |
currency |
Est. Unit Cost (Foreign Currency) |
fxestgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Line) (Foreign Currency) |
fxtrancostestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Transaction) (Foreign Currency) |
fxvsoeallocation |
currency |
VSOE Allocation (Foreign Currency) |
fxvsoeamount |
currency |
VSOE Amount (Foreign Currency) |
fxvsoeprice |
currency2 |
VSOE Price (Foreign Currency) |
gcoavailabeltocharge |
currency |
Funds Available to Process |
gcoavailabletorefund |
currency |
Funds Available to Refund |
gcoavsstreetmatch |
text |
AVS Street Match (Google) |
gcoavszipmatch |
text |
AVS Zip Match (Google) |
gcobuyeraccountage |
integer |
Buyer Account Age |
gcobuyerip |
text |
Buyer IP Address |
gcochargeamount |
currency |
Pending Charges |
gcochargebackamount |
currency |
Chargeback Amount |
gcoconfirmedchargedtotal |
currency |
Charge Amount Confirmed |
gcoconfirmedrefundedtotal |
currency |
Confirmed Refund Amount |
gcocreditcardnumber |
text |
Credit Card (Google) |
gcocscmatch |
text |
CSC Match (Google) |
gcofinancialstate |
text |
Google Order Financial State |
gcofulfillmentstate |
text |
Google Order Fulfillment State |
gcoorderid |
text |
Google Order ID |
gcoordertotal |
currency |
Google Order Total |
gcopromotionamount |
currency |
Google Checkout Promotion Amount |
gcopromotionname |
text |
Google Checkout Promotion |
gcorefundamount |
currency |
Pending Refund Amount |
gcoshippingtotal |
currency |
Google Shipping Total |
gcostatechangeddetail |
text |
Reason for Cancellation |
giftcert |
text |
Gift Certificate |
grossamount |
currency |
Amount (Gross) |
includeinforecast |
checkbox |
Include in Forecast |
intercostatus |
select |
Intercompany Status |
intercotransaction |
text |
Paired Intercompany Transaction |
internalid |
select |
Internal ID |
invsoebundle |
checkbox |
In VSOE Bundle |
isallocation |
checkbox |
Is Allocation |
isbackflush |
checkbox |
Backflush |
isgcochargeback |
checkbox |
Chargeback |
isgcochargeconfirmed |
checkbox |
Charge Confirmed |
isgcopaymentguaranteed |
checkbox |
Payment Guaranteed by Google |
isgcorefundconfirmed |
checkbox |
Refund Confirmed |
isintercompanyadjustment |
checkbox |
Is Intercompany Adjustment |
isreversal |
checkbox |
Is Reversal |
isrevrectransaction |
checkbox |
Is Amortization/Revenue Recognition |
isscrap |
checkbox |
Is Scrap |
isshipaddress |
checkbox |
Residential Address |
istransferpricecosting |
checkbox |
Use Item Cost as Transfer Cost |
iswip |
checkbox |
item |
select |
Item |
itemrevision |
select |
Item Revision |
lastmodifieddate |
datetime |
Last Modified |
lastviewed |
datetime |
Last Viewed |
leadsource |
select |
Lead Source |
line |
integer |
Line ID |
linesequencenumber |
integer |
Line Sequence Number |
location |
select |
Location |
locationnohierarchy |
select |
Location (no hierarchy) |
mainline |
text |
* |
mainname |
select |
Main Line Name |
matchbilltoreceipt |
checkbox |
Match Bill To Receipt |
memo |
text |
Memo |
memomain |
text |
Memo (Main) |
memorized |
checkbox |
Memorized |
merchantaccount |
select |
Credit Card Processor |
message |
text |
Message |
multisubsidiary |
checkbox |
Intercompany |
netamount |
currency |
Amount (Net) |
netamountnotax |
currency |
Amount (Net of Tax) |
nextapprover |
select |
Next Approver |
nextbilldate |
date |
Next Bill Date |
nonreimbursable |
checkbox |
Non-reimbursable |
opportunity |
select |
Opportunity |
options |
namevaluelist |
Options |
originator |
select |
Originator |
otherrefnum |
text |
PO/Check Number |
packagecount |
integer |
Package Count |
paidamount |
currency2 |
Paid Amount |
paidtransaction |
select |
Paid Transaction |
partner |
select |
Partner |
partnercontribution |
percent |
Partner Contribution % |
partnerrole |
select |
Partner Role |
partnerteammember |
select |
Partner Team Member |
payingamount |
currency2 |
Paying Amount |
payingtransaction |
select |
Paying Transaction |
paymenteventdate |
datetime |
Payment Event Date |
paymenteventholdreason |
text |
Payment Event Hold Reason |
paymenteventpurchasecardused |
checkbox |
Payment Event Purchase Card Used |
paymenteventpurchasedatasent |
checkbox |
Payment Event Purchase Data Sent |
paymenteventresult |
text |
Payment Event Result |
paymenteventtype |
text |
Payment Event Type |
paymentmethod |
select |
Payment Method |
paypalpending |
checkbox |
Pending PayPal Authorization |
paypalstatus |
text |
PayPal Payment Status |
paypaltranid |
text |
PayPal Transaction ID |
payrollbatch |
text |
Payroll Batch |
pnrefnum |
text |
P/N Ref |
porate |
currency2 |
PO Rate |
posting |
checkbox |
Posting |
postingperiod |
select |
Period |
pricelevel |
select |
Price Level |
print |
text |
Print |
probability |
percent |
Probability |
projectedamount |
currency |
Projected Total |
promocode |
select |
Promotion |
purchaseorder |
select |
Purchase Order |
quantity |
float |
Quantity |
quantitybilled |
float |
Quantity Billed |
quantitycommitted |
float |
Quantity Committed |
quantitypacked |
float |
Quantity Packed |
quantitypicked |
float |
Quantity Picked |
quantityrevcommitted |
float |
Quantity Rev. Committed |
quantityshiprecv |
float |
Quantity Fulfilled/Received |
quantityuom |
float |
Quantity in Transaction Units |
rate |
currency2 |
Item Rate |
realizedgainpostingtransaction |
select |
Realized Gain Posting Transaction |
recognizedrevenue |
currency |
Amount (Recognized) |
recordtype |
text |
Record Type |
revcommitstatus |
text |
Rev. Commit. Status |
revcommittingtransaction |
select |
Revenue Committing Transaction |
revenuestatus |
text |
Revenue Status |
reversaldate |
date |
Reversal Date |
reversalnumber |
text |
Reversal Number |
revrecenddate |
date |
Rev. Rec. End Date |
revreconrevcommitment |
checkbox |
Rev. Rec. On Rev. Committment |
revrecstartdate |
date |
Rev. Rec. Start Date |
rgaccount |
select |
Realized Gain Account |
rgamount |
currency |
Realized Gain Amount |
saleseffectivedate |
date |
Sales Effective Date |
salesorder |
select |
Sales Order |
salesrep |
select |
Sales Rep |
salesteammember |
select |
Sales Team Member |
salesteamrole |
select |
Sales Team Role |
schedulingmethod |
text |
Scheduling Method |
serialnumber |
text |
Transaction Serial/Lot Number |
serialnumbercost |
currency |
Transaction Serial/Lot Number Amount |
serialnumbercostadjustment |
currency |
Transaction Serial/Lot Number Cost Adjustment |
serialnumberquantity |
float |
Transaction Serial/Lot Number Quantity |
serialnumbers |
text |
Serial/Lot Numbers |
shipaddress |
text |
Shipping Address |
shipaddress1 |
text |
Shipping Address 1 |
shipaddress2 |
text |
Shipping Address 2 |
shipaddress3 |
text |
Shipping Address 3 |
shipaddressee |
text |
Shipping Addressee |
shipattention |
text |
Shipping Attention |
shipcarrier |
select |
Shipping Carrier |
shipcity |
text |
Shipping City |
shipcomplete |
checkbox |
Ship Complete |
shipcountry |
select |
Shipping Country |
shipcountrycode |
text |
Shipping Country Code |
shipdate |
date |
Ship Date |
shipgroup |
integer |
Ship Group |
shipmethod |
select |
Ship Via |
shipphone |
text |
Shipping Phone |
shippingamount |
currency |
Amount (Shipping) |
shiprecvstatusline |
checkbox |
Fulfilled/Received (Line Level) |
shipstate |
text |
Shipping State/Province |
shipto |
select |
Ship To |
shipzip |
text |
Shipping Zip |
signedamount |
currency |
Amount (Signed) |
source |
select |
Source |
startdate |
date |
Start Date |
statusref |
select |
Status |
subsidiary |
select |
Subsidiary |
subsidiarynohierarchy |
select |
Subsidiary (no hierarchy) |
taxamount |
currency |
Amount (Tax) |
taxcode |
select |
Tax Item |
taxline |
checkbox |
Tax Line |
taxperiod |
select |
Tax Period |
taxtotal |
currency |
Amount (Tax Total) |
terminmonths |
integer |
Rev. Rec. Term in Months |
terms |
select |
Terms |
title |
text |
Title |
tobeemailed |
checkbox |
To Be Emailed |
tobeprinted |
checkbox |
To Be Printed |
tosubsidiary |
select |
To Subsidiary |
tosubsidiarynohierarchy |
select |
To Subsidiary (no hierarchy) |
total |
currency |
Amount (Transaction Total) |
totalcostestimate |
currency |
Est. Extended Cost (Transaction) |
trackingnumbers |
text |
Tracking Numbers |
trandate |
date |
Date |
tranestgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Transaction) |
tranfxestgrossprofit |
currency |
Est. Gross Profit (Transaction) (Foreign Currency) |
tranid |
text |
Number |
tranisvsoebundle |
checkbox |
Transaction Is VSOE Bundle |
transactiondiscount |
checkbox |
Transaction Discount |
transactionlinetype |
select |
Transaction Line Type |
transactionnumber |
text |
Transaction Number |
transferlocation |
select |
To Location |
transferorderitemline |
text |
Transfer Order Item Line Id |
transferorderquantitycommitted |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Committed |
transferorderquantitypacked |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Packed |
transferorderquantitypicked |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Picked |
transferorderquantityreceived |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Received |
transferorderquantityshipped |
float |
Transfer Order Quantity Shipped |
type |
select |
Type |
unit |
text |
Units |
unitcostoverride |
currency |
Unit Cost Override |
vendtype |
select |
Vendor Category |
visibletocustomer |
checkbox |
Available In Customer Center |
vsoeallocation |
currency |
VSOE Allocation |
vsoeamount |
currency |
VSOE Amount |
vsoedeferral |
text |
Deferral |
vsoedelivered |
checkbox |
Delivered |
vsoepermitdiscount |
text |
Permit Discount |
vsoeprice |
currency2 |
VSOE Price |
website |
text |
Web Site |